
She's an evil enchantress
And she does evil dances
And if you look deep in her eyes
She will put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She'll mix up an evil brew
And she'll gobble you up
In a big tasty stew out.
The Amazing Ally Kazam!
What you see before you is an illustrious illusionist, a mistress of mind games and a pariah of the paranormal. She's made a living preying on the inability of small minded people to believe that there are forces out there unexplainable by science. It works two ways though, as no police report would really believe that anyone could be 'shrunken down and kidnapped'.
Ally is an illusionist, and a damned good one at that. She can summon forth visions, or warp viewpoints to her own and if she can get the target to believe what they see strongly enough, then that becomes their new reality. Asides from this, she controls the very basics of alteration spells; scale. She can make things bigger or smaller with just a wave of her wand and a "Allakazam!"
RP Ideas
Magic vs Science! - Getting into a heated discussion with a tech head, Ally gets into a duel of wits. First to yield loses, both the duel and their life.
The Pretender - A member of the audience is a powerful magic user, and detests Ally's brand of magic. Using the arcane for mere parlour tricks. They seek to show her what true magic can do.
Best Suited For
- Magic and/or scientifically advanced characters
- People with a vivid imagination
- Stalker/obsessive fan types
A most magical addition of Kediaalts!
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Micro/Macro |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |