Alternate Names or Titles: Golden Witch, "Beatrice"
Age: 1000+
Age Appearance: ~late 20s or early 30s
Gender: Female (of course)
Species: Witch (Endless Witch)
General Location(s): Meta-World - "The Game Room", can be summoned if certain conditions are met.
Basic Overview
A powerful witch that holds immeasurable magical capabilities and an evil personality to back it all up. Beatrice wields the 'Endless Magic' which grants her the ability to bypass the concept of both life and death, granting her the ability to revive killed people or kill them however she likes. As a result, she seems to have lost the understanding of this concept of life and death and embraces the joyful pleasures of being immortal and being able to revive/kill how she pleases. Unlike most witches, Beatrice wasn't exactly born a witch but was formely a human who became a witch, gaining her immense power and respected title from her mentor, Virgilia. However, she seems to have forgotten much of her childhood.
Beatrice is quite a controversial character. On the front Beatrice is a very cruel person, who loves to torture and kill people just for the sake of fun, a being so terrifying that even in the meta world she is feared from heavens to hell as one of the cruelest witches ever. She is at times very composed and majestic, and at other times very disgraceful and unsightful with a creepy laughter and a demonic smile. However, there are more sides of her character that show she's not as ruthless and evil as she is (in)famous for. Beatrice has a very joyful attitude and is also quite childish as well. She is infact described by her teacher, Virgilia, as a naive child who loves to play with toys without the fear to break them and also with a power so big that she hardly realises she can handle. Quite common is in fact to see her sobbing in Virgilia's chest when things don't go her way.
Likes: Tormenting others (first and foremost), Black Tea, Ice cream.
Dislikes: Boredom, being ignored/denied
Umineko - Black Lilliana - Normal Theme
Miragecoordinator - Battle Theme

- Seven Stakes of Purgatory: Also known as the Sisters of Purgatory, the Stakes are weapons used by Beatrice. They can bounce off walls and objects to attack from any direction and it is impossible to escape them unless the victim has strong magical resistance. They can transform into human form where they use blades of light to attack their enemies. The sisters are all named after a demon that represents one of the Seven Deadly Sins (this being also a way to determine their personality);
- Lucifer (Pride)
- Leviathan (Envy)
- Satan (Wrath)
- Belphegor (Sloth)
- Mammon (Greed)
- Beelzebub (Gluttony)
- Asmodeus (Lust)
Alternate Forms
- Forms of Beato that she may appear as at random. Each one is based on a different encounter and she can gain more of them depending on who she runs into. Her default "body" is the one used as the profile picture. Traits as well as descriptions of these forms are included below.

Ange-Beatrice: Otherwise known as Beatrice's "human" form, this is what Beatrice appears as when directly interacting with humans or those who are unaware of her being a witch entirely. She doesn't seem to use her powers when in this form, save for transforming back into her normal form, so it's unknown if she retains or loses any of her abilities when in this body.
+ Unique Traits? +

Loli-Beatrice: Otherwise known as "Lolitrice", this is essentially what Beatrice looked like when she was a mere human girl. Has no powers what so ever and is one of the weakest forms Beatrice has, only useful for deception and stealth.
+ Unique Traits? +
Moe~: A simple form of charm that causes those who gaze upon her to think she's 'adorable' or 'cute'. Only good for making, normally hostile people, nice and approachable.

Fatty-Beatrice: A larger and, apparently, more powerful form of Beato. This form, as soft and harmless as it may appear, boasts a far greater capacity in magic than the normal Beatrice, if only thanks to just how much of it she has in her body. Beatrice gains a far greater resistance to physical attacks and the ability to increase her power by how much food she eats, but trades this off with how fast she is physically.
Note: The pic used here is a placeholder. I'll draw my own pic of a Fatty Beato when I gain the motivation.
+ Unique Traits? +
Fortress of Fat: The fat on Beato's body isn't just soft and squishy, it's also a thick layer of protection against physical attacks and further fortifies her already impenatrable defenses.
Magical Mass: With this ability, whatever (or whomever) Beato devours and digests naturally becomes apart of her as an extra layer of pudge. However, this also means that whatever power they had is added to her own magical prowess and increases it by how much weight Beato gains from her meal. Basically, with this trait, the fatter she gets...the more powerful she gets.
Aegis Tummy: In this form, Beato's stomach is far more resilient and is able to handle and digest just about anything that's brought down to it. This said, it also gains a much more flexible size and can accomodate a larger group of prey or foodstuffs that Beato ingests.
Energy Eater: In this form, not even magical energy itself is safe from Beato's appetite, this meaning that the 'mana' of others (energy used to cast magic) can be absorbed by Beato and 'devoured' just like she was eating regular food. The mana eaten is added to her own and increases her power and may also grant her a few abilities of the user while their mana digests in her belly. These abilities disappear once it fully digests and becomes apart of her own.
[Picture coming soon]
Hive-Beatrice: A more monstrous form of Beatrice, this one seeming to focus on the high production of different furnitures and having them obey her command through a hive-mind sort of mentality (hence the name). Beato herself gains a much larger size than before, standing in at around 10' 6" and has a rather stretchy womb capable of containing multiple spawn or others who've been unbirthed by her. The furniture birthed by Beato are usually always female, but males are not uncommon.
+ Unique Traits? +
Hyperfertility: A major trait that is the foundation of Hive-Beato's key to success. In this form, her fertility is jacked up to a much higher level and thus she isn't difficult to impregnant and is capable of having many children.
Monster Maker: This form of Beatrice is able to alter the forms of her children Furniture as she sees fit, in combination with her 'Hyperfertility' trait, Beato's able to spawn a different kind of Furniture to suit just about any situation. However, this manipulation usually depends on what sort of DNA she takes in from the father and using that, she is able to recall what species he is and use it to form a new type of Furniture for her hive. This said, Beatrice is also able to convert others into Furniture by pulling them into her womb and rebirthing them.
Mass Psyche: A natural trait of Beato in this form that allows her to control her hive of Furnitures as one mind and body.
\ More coming soon /
Combat Abilities
- Coming Soon...hopefully when I'm not lazy -
Latent Attributes
Immortal Body: Beatrice's main focus in magic is the power over life and death, in this sense, her own body can be damaged beyond recognition and can easily repair and reconstruct itself back to it's original state.
Magic Creation: Another form of Beato's Endless Magic coming in the form of actually magical energy. With this attribute, Beato's body naturally produces magical energy needed to cast spells and manifest supernatural phenomenon. As opposed to others who may run out of energy or have to recharge after using a powerful spell, Beato has an abundance of this and can create magic with no worries.
Favored Finishers
- Coming Soon...hopefully when I'm not lazy -
Vore Traits, Kinks, Other fetish-y mess
Experienced Predator: Although, at face value one might not realize it, but Beato has had a fair amount of experience in eating other people in her rather long life. As a result, it's not difficult for her to subdue a human and simply gulp them down with no second thought or inhabitions.
OOC Notes/Junk
+ Anything here can be found on my main profile
Jermod, and most of my preferances are about the same for this character as they are for my main one. Beato is mostly a pred character but, can be prey if certain circumstances are met.
+ Much like
Maou_Priere, there are somethings that didn't show up in Beato's original appearance, Umineko. Those are just a result of me having fun with Beato and making her more appealing to my fetishes and kinks. This said, they can be removed if requested of the player.
+ Not entirely finished, but still finished enough to be avaliable for RP.
+ An alt of
Jermod, of course~