
The Rampaging Rodent, Beaufort
Beaufort is not like other mice. The most obvious difference is her height, far and above her tiny brethren, even towering over the would be predators that prey on regular mice. She stands at a massive 70ft tall. To that end, she has a bit of an issue with her natural 'predators' such as cats, dogs and snakes.
Of course her size enables her to act the 'Big Cheese'. And put the proud predators in their place: Beneath her mighty paws, or inside her boiling stomach.
Fun Facts
- Speaks with a French accent!
- Likes obscure electronic bands from Europe
- Not as harsh as she may appear if you get to know her
Suited For
- Predatory species of a normal height
- People who enjoy prey species in predator scenarios
The most fuzzy member of Kediaalts!