
"Stop! Thief! Hey, don't just step over me! Come back here and face the long arm of the law!"
The Tiny Tornado of Lawbringing, Justice Ferrel!
Life is hard for a female copper, they don't get the same respect as the men. This problem is only compounded when you are a mere few inches in height. Meet Justice. Since she was a young lass, all she dreamed about was putting the scum of the city behind bars.
She isn't an official member of the force as such, but she has read all the training manuals and watched all the videos. She is sure she can ace the entrance exam this year, if only she could work the pen...
Justice is not one to let her shortcomings get in the way of her unwavering moral code! She will tell a seemingly giant person not to litter, even if they just turn around and drop a hanky on her. She firmly believes that deep down, everyone has a respect for laws and rules and will not halt until justice has been served!
Suited For
- Lawbreakers
- Characters who have a problem with authority
- Characters with legal issues in need of a brave member of the force!
A surprisingly loud member of Kediaalts!