
Sweet party, let's make some more noise though, let's cause some real anarchy...
The Rampaging Rebel, Liberty Ferrel!
Every family has a black sheep, the Ferrels are no different. Though the older of the sisters Justice went on to become a respected police officer despite her tiny height, her younger sister Liberty, or Libby as her friends call her, became something more menacing.
At the towering height of 49ft, she is not accustomed to being told what to do. Most people being intimidated. A slow but deliberate shifting of her ratty old Converse sneakers usually silences most protests. Anyone foolish enough to continue telling her to stop what she's doing can end up on the receiving end of her cruel punishments.
The giantess has no respect whatsoever for authority. So you're a paladin with an unwavering sense of justice? Big deal, a quick stomp and you're a pala pancake. She does what feels good, and if that so happens to involve the torment of tiny dogooders, all the better.
She can often be seen carelessly treading the streets, headphones in her ears, booming music at ear shattering volumes. She once nestled a poor guy who told her to turn her music down between her ear and headphone and pumped the volume. Needless to say, he was deafened before she tossed him in her mouth and chewed him up.
If you're tiny and you approach her, you better appear fun, carefree and anti-authority, or she will likely show you the sole of her sneaker.
Tread carefully, for she does not.
Also she is a futa, should have mentioned that maybe.
Suited For
- Tormenting goody goods
- Musically themed alts
- Other punks
- Characters who don't mind body odour and the like
The most foul-mouthed member of Kediaalts!