
From Rosario vampire.
Name: Kurumu Kurono size: 5ft 5in
Age: 18
Race: succubus

A rather obsessive succubus who is looking for her “mate of fate”. (succubus: a female spirit identified since the middle ages who enter the dreams of sleeping men, women and children to seduce them. She is actually very nice but she rely wants to find love so she will use her power to enter peoples dreams and control there minds to be with them. She likes to make cookies and act like a wife.
While she does continue to tease and try to seduce others, it is clear that she possesses true and honest feelings for him- she's been shown to be willing to risk her life for him numerous times throughout the anime and manga. In the manga, Kurumu is shown to be a kind and soft-hearted girl who loves her rivals for your love like sisters, tenderly comforting and supporting them in their moments of sadness, as well as defending them when they are in danger. This kind-hearted character-trait is downplayed in the anime in favor of a more typical "flirt" character, although the kind-heartedness is still present, and in reality, she is actually an innocent character. Despite this, an often running gag in both series is when she uses her breasts to seduce other, which, more often than not, makes his there bleed and causes him to suffocate. She also attempts to use baked sweets laced with love potions to secure his affections, though they never seem to reach him. Also, no matter where they are, she somehow manages to interfere with any tender moment between you and Moka, often by appearing when least expected.
In an omake, Kurumu reveals she has a serious weakness for sweets, to the extent that she once ate poisoned cookies that she made and planned to give to Moka. The incident seems to have bought her some control over this trait, as the aforementioned love sweets are intact whenever they appear.
Powers & Abilities
Described as a tough character, Kurumu sports a pair of bat wings, tail and razor-sharp nails in her true form, and has notable strength (seen when carrying people during flight, and slicing trees in half). Being a succubus, Kurumu possesses powers of 'Allure,' which she can use to hypnotize males. According to legend, if a succubus kisses a male, he will then become her permanent slave; Kurumu admits, however, that she had never used this power beforehand, being young. However, after meeting you over and Moka, Kurumu vows never to use her powers to win you over, wishing to capture his heart 'fair and square' (somewhat).
Later on, Kurumu displays further powers, employing the use of strong illusions to wrap vines around a slug youkai who was blackmailing her in order to take ecchi pictures of her and defeated him completely. Despite being sealed, Inner Moka was stunned that Kurumu displayed such power as the power of illusions is usually displayed by higher ranked succubi. As of the second manga serialization, she is learning basic witchcraft to help with the strength of her illusions and along with Mizore, she was trained by Ginei during the summer break in hand-to-hand combat in an effort for the two to become strong enough to overcome Inner Moka in a fight. She is roughly the second strongest female in the Newspaper club, although many consider her and Mizore to be about par level overall. Mizore and her have joint attacks called "Black and White" duet.

Name: Moka size
Age: 18
Sex: female
--- Outer Moka

Cheerful and positive, Moka's natural good looks get the attention of all the males in Yōkai Academy as well as problems with a few of the females including Kurumu. Though good natured, she possesses a bit of naivety that draws her into problematic situations. While initially distrustful of humans, she can eventually fall in love with a human female. Her bond with them grows stronger over time, to the point where they begins allowing her to ingest there blood (lovingly and with no evil purpose may I add) without protest, just so she remains healthy. When it appears that They will be expelled, Moka states she rather drop out and go with them, because she cannot bear the thought of them being separated. She is also good friends with Kurumu, who considers herself and Moka "best friends", despite their rivalry for your charecters affection.
With the introduction of Moka's half-sister, Kokoa Shuzen, prior to the "Inner Moka" being sealed, the two developed a brief rivalry. Kokoa became distressed when she was sealed, and spent the next years chasing her sister in order to fight and talk to her inner self. While the "Inner Moka" loves Kokoa as a sibling, she finds her younger sister "too clingy" and the "Outer Moka" dislikes Kokoa's penchant for attacking her constantly in order to force out her other personality.
Oddly, Outer Moka's appearance is exactly like that of her mother's, Akasha Bloodriver.
---- Inner Moka

Moka Akashiya, in her super-vampire form.
When the rosary around her neck is removed (only only the people she loves or has strong feelings for can remove the rosary safely, but Moka is also able, albeit with potentially fatal side-effects), the seal that keeps her true nature is released, transforming Moka into a "super-vampire". Aside from the physical changes to her body (silver hair, slit pupils, slightly larger hips, and a notable increase in her bust), her inner vampiric personality also emerges. This somewhat cold and reserved "Inner Moka" is deeply aristocratic and arrogant, looking down upon all manner of yōkai-completely different entity from "Outer Moka". She even goes as far as to specifically remind the people the outer moka cares about to "be kind to the other Moka" but , Moka's inner personality is shown to have a more feminine side when she spent a day with other females that she loves; similar to the outer half. She also possesses knowledge of the other types of monsters that attend Yōkai Academy.
While slightly amused at her loved ones attempts to assist her, despite them being a human or creatures not as strong, Inner Moka claims her personal interest in protecting them is due to there yummy blood, the primary source of nourishment for her body, but also to keep Outer Moka happy. Over the course of the series, Inner Moka begins to take far more activity in keeping him safe, even if actions result in personal injury, and goes as far as to defend people she cares for from being marked as "too weak". she goes so far as to tell people she cared about, that the reason she pushed them away, and attempted to get him to return to the human world is because she didn't want him to die. Inner Moka has shown more interest in people she cares about by letting them hold her hand, Inner told them it was okay if they wanted to hold her hand. While at the beginning of the series, she refused to even be around so called lesser beings. when the Inner Moka becomes permanent since her rosary is being used to hold the barrier, she tries to act as the Outer Moka, though ironically this only makes people nervous. Recently Inner Moka was shown to blush heavily when it was jokingly suggested by Kurumu that she had been about to say "I'm the only one who can be your wife" and she proceeds to beat everyone up as a result. Inner Moka has horrible cooking skills compared to Outer Moka, mainly due to the fact that Inner Moka is usually sealed up all the time, so she hasn't had the opportunity and the experience to learn how to cook properly. , the seal was broken sufficient enough that Inner Moka has taken over the body and Outer Moka was forced into being the Inner personality, however the two can still converse via the rosary almost normally with each other. Recently , it is easy to see that the Inner Moka has developed some feelings for other creatures, although she is complete denial over them.
---Powers and abilities
In her super-vampire state, Moka possess super strength, super speed, incredibly agile reflexes and regenerative properties. Classified as an S-Class yōkai, she is one of the strongest monsters at Yōkai Academy, alongside a vampire's unique ability to convert their demonic aura into raw strength (no other creature is capable of this). Her sister Kokoa states among the four siblings, Moka is in a league of her own, possessing an already formidable power that still has not reached its full potential. Even in her sealed state, Moka has access to her tremendous vampiric strength (seen when she blindly shoves people away), though she prefers to be more laid back and rarely uses all her strength. While the "Inner Moka" is sealed, she can communicate with Moka via the rosary, imparting both knowledge and warnings though she cannot communicate with the others. Her catch phrase throughout this series after beating an opponent is "know your place", a catch phrase that her mother used as well. The primary reason Moka's power is sealed is because she gets weaker as she loses her will to fight the more time she's unsealed.
Because she is a vampire, Moka needs blood to function daily. As a result, she will usually attempt to take a bite on cute girls neck, and only willing girls, as she claims there blood is the sweetest. However, her fondness for it has escalated into a physical need. If she goes too long without it, Moka's strength sharply declines and suffers fainting spells. Regardless, she can still ingest other food and drinks, with tomato juice being the alternative to blood.
Like most vampires in traditional folklore, Moka has a weakness for silver, crosses, sunlight to a small extent (sunburn), but her greatest vulnerability, or any vampire in general, is water. Due to its purifying properties, it has an adverse effect, rendering her immobile and removing energy from her body in a painful fashion. However, it is interesting to note herbal water does not carry this effect . In her sealed state, Moka is held back from utilizing the full extent of her abilities.
One unique ability Moka can utilize is physically injecting her blood into another person through her fangs. Not only will the host regenerate any wound on their body, but may temporarily transform into a vampire physically as strong as a super-vampire. The downside to this is diminished strength, upon successful transfer into the host's body, as Moka needs to recuperate the lack of blood circulation in her system. However, this ability is extremely dangerous: constant injection will slowly damage the host's body, perhaps kill the host. Even if the host does live through a blood transfer, there is a rare instance he or she may transform into a ghoul, a mindless variant of a vampire with an uncontrollable desire to kill and a craving for blood and battle.
--- Moka's Rosary Seal
Moka's rosary was the only thing that her mother left behind after she disappeared. It was originally believed that Moka's rosary sealed her true vampiric powers. However, when Moka and her friends went to Hong Kong to see Touhou Fuhai, the Second Dark Lord, about fixing the rosary, Touhou Fuhai discovered that the rosary does not actually seal Moka's powers. Much to his surprise, it seals away Moka's true memories.
Name: Mizore
age: 18
sex: female

Personality & Appearance
She is first a lonely, somewhat depressed, and misunderstood girl, but after meeting you and becoming friends with everyone, she actually becomes a very outgoing, popular, and cute girl. She also cuts her hair after the events. She is often seen "stalking" and hiding in different locations, and it is often in a humorous and cute way. Also, she gets into comedic arguments with Kurumu often, and they are often seen butting heads, although they are good friends. Mizore shooting ice projectiles whenever a girl and her love intrests have a tender moment together, and her always showing up in weird or otherwise random places unexpectedly, often for humorous effect. In the manga, we discover that Snow Women cannot have children after a certain age
Mizore tried to gain the interest of a boy that once got lost in the mountains by her home village. However, when he found out that she was a Yuki-onna, he ran in terror, never to be seen again. When we are first introduced to Mizore we find out that she also tried to gain the interest of Kotsubo Okuto (the Gym teacher), who once told Mizore that he loved her. Mizore fell in love with Kotsubo, he then tried to rape her, so she turned him into ice; in fact, Kotsubo is the teacher he refers to when he tells Tsukune the story of Mizore. He tells you that she is a nuisance, annoying, and should also be removed from the school; this also plays into why she is so shy. Finally, when Tsukune goes to bring her back to school they get attacked by Kotsubo and end up defeating him, which then makes her fall into your growing growing harem.
Her true form is a Yuki Onna, an "Ice Woman". Keeping in line with the Japanese mythological creature, she has the ability to control ice at will. She also has the ability to make multiple ice clones of herself. she returned to school after a long absence and showed an immediate interest in you. In truth, she had become completely infatuated with Tsukune, going so far as to create her own journal/scrapbook with all of Tsukune's newspaper articles. She once confessed to a teacher she liked, but the teacher tried to take advantage of her and she froze him. That and the rumors that spread after, made it hard for her to trust anyone. She took a liking to you because she believed that you were a loner just like herself. She believed that Moka was in her way of getting your complete affection and thus tried to kill her. She eventually warmed up to the others after being saved. After being saved she also begins stalking you on a daily basis...and like the others she tries to make him hers.
she along with Kurumu, was trained by Ginei during the summer break in hand-to-hand combat in an effort for the two to become strong enough to overcome Inner Moka in a fight. They have joint attacks called "Black and White" duet. Later she was kidnapped while visiting her hometown by Fairy Tale and rescued by her friends, she later joins in their training. In a later chapter, Mizore returns to her village. There is a white flower which is used to lure the opposite sex. Mizore almost gets you. Then she is taken by the Snow Goddess. Brought to the Snow Palace and told she must marry another man from the group Fairy Tale. She believes that he tries to rape her, however in actuality, he kisses and gropes her. A later scene reveals she tried fighting back as the audience is shown a lot of ice shards scattered across the room. Even after she escapes, she thinks she isn't pure enough to be with you. She jumps out of a thirty-four-story window towards a grouping of large ice spikes, trying to commit suicide. Kurumu dives after her, saving her just in time. Mizore begs Kurumu to let her go because she was kissed by a different man than the one she dreams of. Kurumu proves to Mizore that a forced kiss is meaningless by French-kissing her. Mizore returns to her quest to lure you (as his stalker).
Powers & Abilities
She has the ability to control snow and ice at will, and while doing so, shapes claws of ice around her hands. She can also make almost perfect copies (albeit fragile) of herself and others with the ice, often used as decoys or reinforcements. She is very powerful when she uses ice. Her Ice claws become more powerful after her training, and obtains the ability to freeze any body of water around her.
Her full name is literally translated as such; Shirayuki meaning "White Snow" and Mizore meaning "Sleet".

Yukari Sendo (仙童 紫, Sendō Yukari?)
Sex: female

Yukari Sendo is one of the smartest students at Yōkai Academy, and the youngest at age 11. She is a witch, and always wears a typical witch costume (consisting of a hat and cape), which is considered by some students to be a violation of the school rules, and occasionally ends her sentences with "desū", which roughly translates to "it is". As a witch, she has problems with her classmates discriminating against her (in the series, witches are viewed as "border beings", those that are something between humans and the supernatural, as it is impossible to tell their difference by appearance alone). Despite ranking #1 on the examinations, she was a lonely prankster before meeting you and Moka. She initially hates you, claiming that she has fallen in love with Moka, and uses her magical powers to try to drive them apart. However, after both you and Moka save her from bullying classmates, she falls for him too. Her obsession with both has driven her to try to create a three-way relationship between them. Yukari has, on occasion, developed some bizarre items, often leading to hilarious results or farfetched situations. Items she has developed includes the Horehore-kun ("Mr. Love-Love") voodoo doll, Suku Suku Drops, and Ishin Denshin.
Yukari's parents, both highly skilled and adept in magic, appear during the start of the school festival seen in the anime adaptation, when they repair the torn-up academy.
sister: Izuke fixed her broken tail and gave her a magical bow that changes colors and is now beig taught magic and will soon be going to the same acadamy.
Ruby Tojo (橙条 瑠妃, Tōjō Rubi?)
Age: 18
Sex: female

A witch from the human world, Ruby Tojo was part of a plot to destroy mankind as a response to a large garbage dump polluting her mistress' sanctuary. Her hate for humans stems from a car accident caused by a human drunk driver that took her parents' lives while the family was vacationing in the human world. Upon remembering the kind of love her parents had given her, she attempts to persuade her mistress to call off her plan, but to no avail, as her mistress was bent on destroying the human world. She disappears after her mistress is defeated and put to rest. Ruby reappears and now resides at Yōkai Academy as the board chairman's aide and continues to work for him in the second manga serialization. Despite not being an official student, she receives permission to become a member of the newspaper club. Exclusively in the anime, a running gag involves her randomly switching positions to help the school. When asked why, she states "many many things" have happened, though it is believed these are orders from the chairman as a debt of gratitude for providing her with a new magic wand.
In an omake, the reason Ruby works under the board chairman is her infatuation with you, and by working at the academy, she could be near him. The anime omits the presence of her master or the inclusion of her parents, drastically changing the events surrounding her, including the reasons behind her return. Much of Ruby's magic revolves around a motif of ravens and flora, both as familiars and alternate forms for her to take. Apparently, Ruby has shown that she is a masochist and the biggest pervert of them all during a training exercise for her love intrest’ to control his yōkai powers. She even admits to you being your toy.
Kokoa Shuzen (朱染 心愛, Shuzen Kokoa?)
Age: 16

Kokoa Shuzen (pronounced Ko-ko-ah) is the younger half-sister of Moka Akashiya. Bearing a similar appearance to Moka with her green eyes, except for her orange hair and her "uncool" vampire attitude, she arrives as a first-year student to Yōkai Academy. Like her sister, Kokoa is also a vampire, but her powers are not sealed and does not carry the same level of supernatural strength that Moka possesses. To compensate, she has a pet bat named Kou that can transform into a variety of weapons and wields it with enough strength to make herself formidable.
Kokoa despises Moka for sealing away her inner personality, whom she adores and loves. Before Moka left to study at the academy and prior to her receiving the rosario, the sisters often clashed with one another, although Kokoa could never defeat Moka in a duel. She constantly attacks Moka, in hopes of drawing out the "inner Moka" and feels angry at that others that moka cares for and loves has the ability to unlock Moka's true nature and begrudgingly accepts the presence of her sealed sister. Unlike Moka, Kokoa harbors a deep-seated fear of their older sister Kahlua Shuzen: known as the kindest amongst their family, Kahlua continuously babies Kokoa and has a "smile of an angel", something Kokoa is frightened of., Kokoa has started to have feelings for you when he was getting beaten up by her father. She also gradually accepts him as a friend.
As a parallel to her sisters, Kokoa's name may be an intended pun on the word "cocoa" (ココア?).