
Tremble in fear mortal! I have arrived! O...O-kay, I'll give you a footrub.
When one sells one's soul to the devil, one doesn't think about what happens when death grabs one. Right?
Elizabeth is a cautionary tale in that regard, for the price of a high paying career, she sold her soul. A good life was had, laughter, money, good health and love. Then she died. In a cruel twist of fate, the powers that be decided that she would serve as a succubus.
For those uncultured in such things, a succubus is a demon that feeds off the pleasure of mortals, using their ecstacy to sustain their being. The only caveat was that she is a mere two inches tall.
Understandably, this makes seducing people all the more difficult so, in this information age, Betty took to the world wide web. A few search terms led her to the macrophile community and the gears in her mind started to whirr into overtime.
Apparently there are those out there who get off on being taller than others. What better way to make use of her disability and get a good meal at the same time? So it was, she roleplayed a little online with a few 'giantess'. Using demonic connections, she would find out where these players lived and showed up in their rooms.
What happened next was really up to the player in question. She's done it all, satisfied the crush fans; spent a few days squirming away in a stomach, brought a woman to orgasm from inside their tight vagina.
Whatever the means, the end is always the same. Betty takes this pleasure she gives and stores it, up until a certain point where she can't take any more and her body must.... grow to accomodate it. And when the player's all tuckered out? Well then their height is forfeit, and then their lives when they're small enough for the succubus to get her revenge.
Using the name "Succubyte" she stalks her prey, looking for those that love to torment the tiny, to lord it over the little folk.
Hey, a girl's gotta eat.