Deep within the rain forest exist the legendary Thunder Hooves. A tribe that are the descendants of a great ancient warrior tribe more than a 1000 years old. The tribe mainly consist of anthro horses, though other equines species also live among them. For ages, these people have defended their land, and still live in the ruins of their ancient civilization. Believed to be one of the oldest, and longest surviving tribes in existence. The Thunder Hooves have stayed true to the ways of their tribe, and strive to this day. To dive into more detail regarding their culture, please continue from here...
Religion The Thunder Hoove tribe are very druidic in their beliefs. They believe in the Goddess Gaia, mother of the Earth. And they are said to be one with the forest, and the creatures that dwell within. Some say that their Goddess grants some of them magical powers in their abilities to bend the life in the forest at their will, though this is only rumored. As a spiritual people, the tribe often has ceremony's to please their goddess, and to thank her for the plentiful food, harvest, and animals they hunt. As superstitious as they are, each hunt is a ceremony. Both a celebration for their success, and to thank Gaia for that which was sacrificed so that they may eat. They believe that the weather, and the forest send them messages from Gaia. And spiritual leaders preaches the will of Gaia to the tribe which they follow as law.
Culture: The Tribe itself is based around 3 things, first of which is their spiritual mother of the earth and all life on it, named Gaia. A goddess referred to as mother earth, or mother nature. They see her as the ultimate power, and the one who blesses them for their accomplishments. The next is the hunt, which both the tribe celebrates, and uses to determine rank and skill among their people. The hunt is also to honor mother nature, and to please her with their successes. And lastly, but not least is their sexual drive as a people. The tribe itself is very sexually active, and healthy. There are not definite couplings (though some of the tribe are closer to each other then the rest), and there are no gender boundaries either. They see it as disrespectful to be accepting of one gender, but deny the other. For this reason, the tribe lives, and practices open free pan-sexuality. To be straight, or lesbian is unheard of within the tribe, and frowned upon.
Rival Tribes Neighboring the land their ancestors set roots too. The Thunder Hoove Tribe has a few rival tribes not too far off. One of which is a tribe of Bovines which roam the open plains around the forest. The Bovine tribe is a peoples whose history is also rich, and deep rooted. And for many years, they have been the constant rivals, and occasional enemies of the Thunder Hooves tribe. For the most part, the two tribes mind their own. But battles, and war have been sparked. Most of which caused by a Taboo of both tribes of partnering with one another. Though the Thunder Hooves hunt the Bovine cows for their milk, and show dominance by mating with them as well. The act of starting a relationship with one of their kind is forbidden. Differences that are apparent in the Bovine tribe show a male dominated tribe where the women aren't seen as equals, and gay, bisexual relations are considered disgraceful. However they don't mind displays of lesbianism among their females which get the males riled up. For their inability to see eye to eye. The tribe of bovines remains a constant uneasy rival of the Thunder Hooves.
The Thunder Hoove Tribe is a very proud tribe of hunters, and those who serve the tribe. The main activities focus around sport, such as hunting, wrestling, racing, and other games which constantly have the hunters, and warriors of the tribe competing to maintain rank, and gain honor and respect for their power, and skills. Often games are held every so often to ensure that the strongest are tested to prove they deserve their honors. This also gives the younger up and coming tribal members their chance to rise up in the ranks and gain honors themselves. The hierarchy of the tribe starts with the greatest warrior whose position can not be challenged, however those beneath who may be young enough can wage to become prospects for the position as the next Grand Hoove.
Leader Grand Hoove The tribe has ancient laws which they have lived by since the beginning. He or she who over sees these laws and responsibility of judging is the tribes Chief. The Chief known as the "Grand Hoove" assumes the role of the commander, and the judge that determines what the tribe does as a whole, and how to deal with tribal matters. For example, the Grand Hoove decides everything from when to begin a hunt, to how they deal with intruders, or those within the tribe who have broken a law. The position of the Grand Hoove is held by the strongest warrior with the highest honors. Once this position is obtained, the Grand Hoove no longer hunts, and stays with the tribe maintaining order as it's leader. The Grand Hoove will only become active in battle during times of war. The Grand Hoove of the tribe keeps the title until becoming too old, or until he or she is replaced given the Grand Hoove is guilty of any unlawful acts. In all of their history, this has not happened. And the position of Grand Hoove has remained a untainted position of honor and respect.
Spiritual Leader Stargazer At all times, at least one interpreter of Gaia's will fulfills the role of the spiritual leader. Believing that the spiritual leaders are pre-chosen by mother nature, (though they do not have to become a Stargazer) hermaphrodites are the only ones appointed to the stargazer class as it is believed that they were blessed with both organs as a reward for their future service, and as a symbol of being the chosen voice(s) of Gaia. Ones who understand the messages from Gaia, and preaches it to the rest of the tribe. This class of spiritual leader is called "Stargazer". Even the chief does not neglect the will of Gaia, and listens to what the Stargazer preaches. Next to the tribe Chief, the Stargazer is the most important, and commands total respect of the tribe as it is the Stargazer who speaks the word of Gaia. It is not common, but has happened that more than one tribe member at a time has held the honored and sacred position of Stargazer. Aside from being the spiritual leader, the Stargazer also acts as the adviser to the Grand Hoove, to help he or she maintain confidence with decisions when commanding the tribe.
Prospect Starchild Beneath the Spiritual Leader and Chief is the Prospect, the current greatest hunter, and likely candidate in line to be the next Grand Hoove. This this hunter is called the "Starchild" and is the highest position of honor beneath the Spiritual Leader, and the Chief. This position is a position of influence, popularity, and makes the one in this position sort of a celebrity of sorts. Those within the tribe acknowledge him to be the greatest warrior. Young-lings hope to be as strong as he one day, and those of his age hope to become stronger, and this drives them to become better warriors. The position of Starchild is the only position in the tribe that is truly fought for, and can be lost or won. A chance at losing or defending this position is constant during games which is where the Starchild must prove his dominance. However, there is not fear of losing this title for not having the top kill after a hunt. Yet it is considered to be disgraceful to return without a score at all. Though one strong enough to become the Starchild usually has no difficult at all being successful in a hunt. In times of war, the Starchild also acts as a captain under the Grand Hoove.
Guardians Following the Starchild, the remaining ranks held by the majority are determined by the their class. First of which is the guardian class. A constant position of honor held by some of the most skillful warriors in the tribe. This class is not heavily populated, as only a few are chosen to patrol and defend the land of their ancestors where they live. The guardian class is the usually the first and only members of the tribe to encounter, and deal with outsiders. Though the guardian class isn't as colorful or flamboyant as the hunter class, they're respect is the same, as the guardians protect the forest, and the tribe which is a honorable duty to have. They are also responsible for guarding the Grand Hoove, the Stargazer, and act as enforcers within the tribe. Guardian class warriors are seen using short swords, or dual daggers.
Hunters Next of which is the hunters class who hold the highest honor and the least responsibility. Technically, they are virtually equal to the guardian class, but their job details are different. Though in time of war, the hunters join the guardians, as both classes are warrior classes. The position of a hunter is harder to maintain as a hunter is constantly put to the test. And one who fails to prove himself, or breaks a serious law can be demoted down to a lesser class. The main difference between the guardian class, and the hunter class. Is the guardian class exist to patrol and protect, while the hunter class is a more public class. Also the responsibility of guarding or protecting is not that of the hunters. Hunters do take apprentices, but act individually for the most part.
Crafters Under the guardian and hunter class is the Crafters, and gatherer classes. These are the lowest classes held by the non-warrior tribe members, and those who have failed to prove themselves as warriors. The Crafter class are those who like their name suggest, craft goods such as spears, loincloths from animal hide, clay pots, necklaces, blankets, and so forth. This class is a more artistic class, and they often have other skills, such as various art forms (including carving and painting), musical talents (with wood winds, and flutes). For this reason, they are often responsible for helping to organize ceremony's and entertainment for the rest of the tribe. A primitive, but celebrated form of operas, musical displays, and even plays or reenactments are sometimes put together for shows on special occasions.
Gatherers All members of the tribe start off a Gather from birth until they mature to a older age at which point they may pursue other classes. Such as a young male may wish to become a hunter, and will face test and challenges as part of his right of passage. As a duty, the gatherer's class is responsible for the harvest, and gathering of food from the earth. Such as berries, veggies, fruits, nuts, apples, carrots, and honey from the trees. They also seek other materials need by the Crafters for creating things such as certain types of wood, rock, and clay. Gathers are also responsible for maintaining camp fires, and preparing the food for the tribe, and apple wine for meals. This class is the most densely populated, and seen as sort of a commoner class. Those who were hunters that get demoted are often moved down to this class as a form of punishment, stripping them from their honors. However, that does not make the gatherers class a bad class, it is simply a common villager class.
There are only eight laws, but strict laws in place that everyone must follow. Ones that should never be broken. These are laws because they are either dishonorable, disgraceful, or disrespectful. Below is a list of these laws, each one punishable to a different degree.
• No killing one of your own
Taboos There are certain taboo's in the tribe that there are no laws against simply because it is unthinkable to them that such things could ever happened. These taboos would be considered wrong, or strange among the rest of the tribe. If anyone were to find out, they would surely frown upon it, and rumors of such a thing may spread. Below is a list of some of these taboos.
• Mating with other species
Rewards: When certain accomplishments are met, or goals are made, there are various rewards in place. Most of these consist of sexual acts which the losers, or those thankful for the champions will reward them. This is to promote a since of brotherhood, and bonding among the tribe. To influence each member to not only work hard for themselves, but to be grateful, and proud of each other for their accomplishments as well. Anything worth celebration normally is given a ceremony. Such things can come as often as once a week, yet that does not take away from how special and rewarding these ceremony's are. Below is a list of several of these ceremony's and likely rewards.
• Coming of age ceremony (Group, Public) - Those of age in the tribe all join together to make the chosen one into a man or woman through sexual pleasures though a ceremonial gang bang.
Punishments: For various laws that are broken, there are several punishments from which the chief may choose from to discipline those within the tribe, and outsiders alike. Some punishments are more extreme then others because some crimes are more extreme then others. Below is merely a list of punishments from generally what is considered the least, to the most extreme.
• Whipping - Physical punishment in public to pay for their wrongs.
Items produced: The Thunder Hoove tribe has created, and produces many things for themselves and their peoples. Most of which done by the Crafters class. Below is and short description of some of these common items.
• Ocarina: A musical instrument also called a piccolo flute.
Tribe Activities: The tribe often competes to show off their skills, and rank above other members in the tribe. It grants a great feeling of pride and success to have various accomplishments. And the tribe also celebrates, and entertains in various other ways. Even trying together can be a form of enjoyment for those who take pride in who they are, and what they have done. Below are a list of activities which various members of the tribe may join in on, or just watch and enjoy.
• Hunting - This activity is for food, sport, and honor. It is only for the hunters.
In the tribe, there are a few different types of equines. Most of the tribe consist of horses. But a large number that are considered equals, or cousins also are within the tribe as equal members, though size and development usually make a majority of one species role different from another as all tribe members compete for the same requirements to be the class they choose.
• Unicorn - A rare breed, and often found to have superior skills, and strengths then most.
The following is a quick list of ranks and classes
• Grand Hoove (Chief) - A male or female who is of the highest honor in the tribe.
![]() THUNDER HOOVE TRIBE Tribe Members
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