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OOC and warnings
Full Name:
Winshel Robertson
Apparent Age:
48 Years old
True Age:
13,000 years old
Ghost Cheetah
Body Composition:(Looks)
(Commonly seen as this when possessing something)

Ghostly Cheetah, often however possessing a small creature to have a physical body, if not within Goober; the husband.
Mental State:(Personality)
Think a grandmother, that is basically what her personality is now; a nice old grandmother; that still likes to fight and show she can still win in a duel though... heh.
She is the mother to Sam, Wife to Goober, she is forever stuck inside of Goober as a ghost. A spirit that can come out of Goober and animate things, living or inanimate and animate it. She usually is inside of Goober, but the moment she comes out, a spark sets off in Goober that makes him seem much more takable. She does have a limit to what she possesses though.
Combat, and war training.
"He is always the one to look away, I help him look back." ~ Winshel, inside of goober
Recently Winshel has been taking control of a cloned body that looks like a small dragon, the dragon had no life; it was dead. But goober managed to keep the body alive after it passed away and now Winshel controls the body most of the time when she is allowing Goober to do stuff.
OOC and warnings
IC= In Character, or in RP's, don't believe your getting a RP instantly at that time.
OOC=Out of Character, Doing Profile Updates, or talking but not RolePlaying'ing.
AWAY=Away from Computer, I Am likely not on there, don't be offended if there is no response from me.
DND=Do Not Disturb, I need personal time too ^.^, or if i need to focus on one RolePlay.
LFRP= Looking for Role Play, Anything welcomed likely.
LFRP Prey= Looking for Role Play as Prey, Looking to be a Prey
LFRP Pred= Looking for Role Play as Pred, looking to be a Pred
OPEN=Role Play in Public only, anyone welcomed to join.
(( Darthirony project ))