
An alt of Xanril

Picture is drawn by the lovely Saint of Ravens! Comissioned by me.

Basic Information!

Name: Abbacrix

Age: AS OLD AS TIME. (probably closer to thirty two however, she just likes being flashy.)

Sex: Female, fully, and one hundred percent.

Species: Bunny! To be exact a Lop ear anthro bunny! Dem flufffffy ears!

Colorization: Pure snow-white fur with crimson colored eyes!

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 200lbs. She's not bad for her height!

Figure: Busty fluffysnuggly bunny tits, with a cute little twitchy bunny tail sitting on top of her rounded ass, but not really a large ass. Her belly however is a teensy bit pudged out from her diet of...people...and junk food, but extremely slim considering how much she eats! She is an active bunny afterall.

Super Important Update!

Sexy Bunny magician girl is not always pregnant or swollen....but usually is.