
Ada, the informal name of one Adaga Dranata, overtly large reptile lady. Daughter of a snake and a komodo dragon and one of two sisters, Ada being the far wider of the two.
Ada is a girl of simple delights, she revels in free food, finding pennies, plans she didn't really want to go to being cancelled prematurely so she can avoid the awkwardness of it being like an hour before they go and having to be all, well you know I'm not really feeling it.
The first thing one could physically notice of the girl is her sheer stature, standing at a cool 11,4 and being almost as wide Ada is a looming overbearing presence at all times, though she's a mostly gentle soul, occasionally rough and tumble with good friends but for the most part an ultimately quiet lady content to spend lazy days snoozing and playing games.
Ada's true love (Besides her significant other) is food, a fact that her enormously wide stomach can attest too, no matter what she's doing she can usually be found with food in hand or on hand, eating at almost every waking moment of the day, and not being picky if food isn't readily avaliable, furniture, clothes, people if it's nearby and she's hungry (Which she always is) It's going in her tummy!
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Fat preds Always/Love