
(This profile doesn't function properly on mobile, sorry!)
২Name: Agnes
২ Age: 60 (young for her species, but physically mature)
২ Gender: Female
২ Sex: Intersex
২ Height: 7'0"
২ Species: Half-Dragon
২ Occupation: Henchman for Hire


Agnes is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but what she lacks in intellect, she makes up for with brute strength.

Agnes grew up in a fairly peaceful town; her draconic father and human mother lived far out of the way of the quaint little village on a farm. Agnes and her father worked the land while her mother took their crops to town to sell. Should the townspeople know of she and her father's existence, they'd surely raid the home and destroy everything that the close-knit family had built together.

Agnes was born with the colouration of her father, as well as the properties of his skin, though her flesh was barren of scales. Her skin felt as smooth as her mother's, other than along her underbelly, which had the same plate-division as her father's. Her parents were both extremely pleased to see she was... visually different from normal children. They loved that she was different; that she was so clearly theirs. But at the same time, they knew it meant she'd never be able to go into the town.

For a long while, Agnes didn't mind staying at home; she didn't mind working the farm and helping her father. Didn't mind that she didn't know much about the world. Didn't mind that she'd never really felt the thrill of stretching her wings and using her keen eyesight to see as far as she could from up high in the air. Didn't mind that, aside from her parents, she'd only really met four other people.

What she did mind was her mother ageing so quickly. It seemed like every day, she looked so much older. It was clear that Agnes and her father were built to live longer than her mother was... But Agnes didn't know what she'd do without her mother. How could she and her father live without her to sell their crops and bring home other supplies?

Agnes knew there had to be something out there to help her mother; she knew from the stories her father used to tell her as a child of his experience in the outside world and with all of its wonders. For forty short years, those stories were all Agnes needed of the outside world. Now, she was going to make her own stories. She would find the solution to help her mother stay with them longer by any means necessary.

So the young half-dragon collected her things and left home, leaving only a goodbye love-note to her parents behind. She promised she'd come back when she knew how to save her mum.

1. Agnes cannot read. She never needed to learn to do it on the farm, and hasn't really needed it thusfar.

2. Her father is a rogue dragon that mated with a human; most of dragon-kind see her as an abomination, as she's a half-breed.

3. She speaks with something reminiscent of an American Southern accent.

4. She loves to eat; meat is her favourite, but she's also got quite the sweet tooth, especially for cold treats.

5. Agnes can mostly only puff up smoke; her ability to breathe fire is extremely unreliable.

6. Agnes' father taught her some magic when she was a child. While her abilities are extremely weak for a dragon, compared to a normal human, one might say she's got a gift.
