
All you need to know is Akami is not human, it's unknown what it is just that it can be what ever it wants, be that species or even gender. It goes by Akami but also enjoys the nickname "Red"

Hey there. I'm Akami. If you really wanna know the secret about me then here it is: I am everywhere. Every world, every universe, every reality. I am a constant, a fixed point. Not sure why, just how it is. On the plus side i am different in every dimension in some shape or fashion on the outside, though always with black and red colors. I can change my form at will and replace my body with another should i ever lose one. It's pretty fun, though the constant hive mind of realities can get...painful.

Female Form

(Red text for male. Dark Pink for Female)

Some historians believe that many people matching Akami's description have existed throughout history, in tales of war and urban legends. The following is artisitc renderings of some forms Akami may have taken.

There is also an Akami that exists in the world of Pokémon, disconnected to his other selves and not immortal. The mad scientest Proffesor Akami Redwood.