Family infos and such!
A daughter of
Salafeta and
Her siblings!
Crella -(still waiting for the others to fill this in properly. xP)-
Personal details.
((player will play her from the ages 14-21 with adapted body measurements etc.))
Her name is Alcada.
From tip to tail she is about 11'7''.
She's a naga as far as her race is questioned.
She's a herm~.
She occupies herself with reading, keeping an eye on those close to her heart and learning to understand her secret potentional of being an alchemist.
General description:
One of the more respectfull and kind calm ones of the group, she also acts as the more eldest one in general but she also knows when to have them in tome if their mothers aren't around, having been known to simply ''contain'' her other sisters or lock them up inside of her.
She also has been known to be driven to her maximum at some of her other sisters and their tirades, being such an annoying bunch when she was trying to read a book, when she gets into it she can be as cruel as one wouldn't wish to be, even using some of her magic to subdue or silence them up.
She remains very cherishing and lovely most of the time, even after just a few minutes of having her sisters acting up like that, being the most respectfull to her parents as well.
Aside of her formely explained respectfullness, she has quite a temper and isn't easily ticked off, unless one would do something she is against at all odds, which happens and has happened moreso with her sisters and her own personal belongings. When that happens she simply seeks out to do something in the ways she can use her alchemical talents for her own selfish goods, its almost like a switch being turned on that allows her to do the weirdest things by mixing up the oddest ingredients of them all, which she happens to find just as easily when her mind is like that.
Aside of this she has a funny yet cherished bond with her other sibling
Crella, I mean sure, she loves her other siblings as well, so far, but with Crella she can do the most whackiest-if not, strangest things. Their alchemical abilities would almost seem like yin and yang, merged together for the ultimate potions but then there is the mood Alcada needs for this to work out, which is even harder to do for Crella., or at least, in her younger years~.