
Name: Aliy
Age: 18
Sex: Female, but she has a spell that will make her a herm if ask nicely :3

WIP, Working on the back story

Friends list:

Catacomb and alts

Note to Players: Male in Real Life
*more to come :3

Wing, Hoof, and Halo

An old saying goes that every time a bell rings and angel gets its wings, and as with most stories this is more than a little misleading. After all Angels are born with their wings, their halos however, now those are something that sometimes needs to be earned, and that is where our story begins.

It was the first decent for the Angle Holly, her nerves and curiosity battling for top billing in her mind, as her instructor Aliy lead her down to the waiting world below. Aliy as her senior had already earned her halo a year before, and was now observing as her fellow took her own. The pair had known one another for a life time, their winds gliding over the same slight, dancing upon the same wind, and sheltering them against the same dark storms. So today they were once more together, as the pair of beautiful figures came to settle on the soft grass, of a deserted hilltop.

Why were they there? Well very simply the test for ones halo, is to answer a prayer, and so as the pair turned to see their charge both were rather surprised to see who had called to them. It was…well a calf. Not more than a year old, her wide brown eyes blinking between the pair with a small amount of curiosity apparently unperturbed by the angelic decent. Despite their best efforts neither Holly, nor Aliy could quite understand how this had happened, till it was they looked down the hill to see the woman lying there, an axe buried into her back as her crimson life stained the grass.

Rushing down Holly fell upon the woman turning her over, in horror to see her life fading, and fading fast. Looking back to Aliy she the young angel cried out, begging her to help, and sadly even Aliy did not know what to do. This woman’s life was near its end, which meant her prayer could not be answered, and Holly would find herself forced to return to the heavens her task a failure. Holly, however, was not willing to let the woman die, not without at least trying something, and just then the calf let out a moo, drawing her eyes to it.

Before Aliy even knew what her fellow had planned the light enveloped the area, and as it faded there wasn’t a calf there anymore…and there was no dying woman….now there was a third, her generous chest rising and falling in apparent peaceful sleep, a soft smile upon a bovine face. Aliy was speechless at what she was seeing, more than a little due to the fact that thanks to the calf having been a boy, the creature before them was now a mix of man and woman, that was now curling up beside Holly, laying her head upon the woman’s lap as the pair looked up at one another speechless.
In the following days, Holly, found herself both friend, and surrogate mother to her, well, creation.

The woman’s mind, having lost a bit of itself with the added life of the calf installed. It seemed she could not recall how she had been killed, or even what her prayer had been. Forced to return to report on this Aliy left the pair to themselves, and after a time, the new woman as it were set off into the world to make her mark. Soon after Holly followed into the world wondering just when Aliy would come back to giver the angel her halo. - Profile Counters <3 Profile Counters

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