Amber here is a three tail kitesune. She has been taking jobs around the park. She has been hired for a lot of jobs. One that she is skilled at is bounty hunter. If she gets paid enough, she even accepts a job that goes against her current job. However, she can never hurt her family.
The curse: Some time ago, she has been cursed. This curse caused her to stay a three tail kitesune forever. No one knows if there is a way to break it. However, she can devour others to take a power from them. Because of this, she has no limit on how many powers she can take.
Word of Warning: Do not steal from her or rip her off. If you do, she will be your mortal enemy.
2x red bladed kitanas
Natural Night vision: She can see in the dark
Tail Vore: She sticks her prey into her fluffy tails.
Eyes of time: She can briefly see into the future. Unlike her other skills, this happens at random and she has a difficult time mastering it.
List of jobs she can do:
Body Guard
Bounty Hunter
Family: None that has been seen here