
"Now, look at you, good on the eye, alone, safe and sound with just us around. Why don't you come closer, I really wanna find out how you taste. No. don't fight it, don't struggle, you are mine now~"

She may look like some sort of ancient Greek Goddess and in truth she did once work as a priestess at one of the temples of Athena, however this beautiful woman is far more sinister than she would first appear. Given the title "Anthropophagus" by those Greeks who discovered her more nefarious habits, it is a word that means "Man-Eater" Or "Cannibal" which in Greek culture was one of the upmost taboo things that anyone could ever do. This beautiful woman will use all her charms and allure to lure in unsuspecting people, before she turns on them and devours the unlucky victim whole and alive. Some methods of consumption have be described as a "human-snake" a description of someone whom had witnessed her abiliby to unhinge and stretch her mouth open wide like a snake and swallow a full sized human whole in nothing more than a few gulps. Others talk of the way how any man or woman that gets close enough to do sexual acts with her body are often consumed by those sexual acts, like how men who fuck her and sucked in and swallowed up by the very orifice they were using. Others have witnessed the woman leaving big piles of remains behind full of bones, clothes and other objects that belong to the victim, yet who would believe these stories to be real based on people claiming "I know what I saw" though the facts speak for themselves, where ever this woman inhabits, people vanish without a trace, in older times piles of excrement full of bones, clothes and other objects belonging to the victim were often found. It has since become far easier to hide such things and make them harder to discover as time has moved forward. But where ever SHE is, people start going missing and SHE always acts coy about any questions asked of her, there is also the unnatural curviness to her body. She always treats her own body like it is art often saying "Thousands of hands sacrificed everything, to create this masterpiece of flesh"

Q and A section.

Question: Do I have a name? Answer: I did once, so very long ago, now days I just use whatever name I like until I grow bored of it. Currently it is Anastasia.
Question: Why do you eat people? Answer: I eat people to live, I must consume sentient life to feed my body and to prolong my own life.
Question: How are you still alive and so young? Answer: Eating people seems to change me, the more I consume the longer I live, like I absorb all their youth and lifespan or something.
Question: What happens to the souls of your prey? Answer: No idea, I do not have the ability to consume souls, so I assume they either pass on, or perhaps they remain trapped in my folds of fat.
Question: How tall are you? I can range from human sized heights up to around 24 feet tall where a person comes up to just below my knee, fun-sized but still a good meal.

Those sacrificed to the beauty of this art.

1st. Naomi_Kleer Was permantly added to the Vorepire's tits, she was bounced right out of existence entirely, doomed to jiggle and sway and hang out with the Vorepire forever now, want to say hello to Naomi? come give her a playful grope, make sure you tell Naomi that she is tits forever now, she has a hard time knwoing her place. My Tits~
2nd. Kokorro and his player, I was tall enough that both only came up to my knee, I sat down on their player while I slurped up Kokorro like a wiggly little noodle, their friend and party member player, was devoured by my ass and while he made the slow journey through my insides he got to hear Kokorro digest away, by the time he joined them there was nothing but bones left. Adorable snacks.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love