Asariel (Ah Za Real) Santharoth is Naporiels older brother, although outranking Naporiel he is still under their father and the eldest brother, is somewhat a cocky person. If one were to ask him what he most enjoyed was fighting, because it's 'fun'. he tends to not take anything seriously, and constantly charged head long into battle, he's not had the misfortune of getting wounded..yet, He's nice to everyone he meets, he doesn't let the nobleman ignorance get to his head, though he and his sister tend to fight a lot..mainly cause he won't give her the time of day alone without ridiculing her at some point, brotherly love, of course. ((This is of course, a stub, I lack inspiration/idea's right now, I'll probably/most likely edit it later. for now theres this >:l))
Asariel's body:
Age: 21
Personality: Arrogant, Silly, Care-free, Flirtatious, Brave
Skin color: Pale
Body Type: Rather Muscular, not ripped, but hes got quite a bit of muscle definition.
Hair: Red
Eyes: Ruby
Height: 5'10
Weight: Very heavy,almost always wears armor.
Hair Length: Past shoulders
Attire: Heavy Armor, cotton tunic underneath, sometimes wears helmet
Equipment: Large kite shield, Longsword, Dagger in his boot.
RP Statuses:
Online: Figuring out what I want to do, go ahead and talk to me.
Away: I'm away from the computer.
LFRP: Looking for a RP, public, or, private.
Do Not Disturb/DND: Do Not Disturb Me.
Prey: Prey-mood
Pred: Predatory mood
OOC: Likely will never use.
IC: In a RP, I can talk, but don't expect to RP with me.
Open: Open for just about anything.
OOC Notes:
Talk to me like a person.
Player is Female
Yet another alt of
Asa without armor: