
Name: Ashley
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5’6
Weight: 120-140 pounds, but can differ slightly above or below that.
Orientation: Bi.

Story: In truth, when it comes to Ashley’s backstory, it can be very flexible and malleable! She can fit in well in a modern setting in a high school, ancient times in a vast kingdom, or even in the far future where everything looks like a hologram. I’m fine with having her in most settings and places, as I like to make sure to give my partner plenty of opportunities to be creative! If I don’t like something, I will come out and tell you, but for the most part Ashley can be a pred or prey most anywhere.

Personality: Ashley is the kind of nice, fun loving, and constantly optimistic person that would have no trouble making friends. She loves to chat and hang out with others, and is perfectly okay with doing favors for them. Of course, that’s only one side of her. When our little tigress gets hungry, she quickly turns into a different person that only sees prey as food and loves their struggles as they move inside her. Not to the point where she’s super cruel, but more just…uncaring about their peril. When she’s the prey, however, she’s sure to try and fight whatever did this to her, and that famous optimism of hers might vanish once she’s fully inside. Of course, as this is a relatively new character, her personality is likely to change somewhat in the future. But overall, she’s a joyful person that loves the feeling of a prey squirming in her gut, and greatly fears the idea of her eventually ending up in one.

Also one final note! If we’re doing an rp together and you need to leave, then please tell me with a quick message and do not just ghost me! It’s become a pet peeve of mine snd if it happens, then I may choose to end the roleplay altogether if my partner up and leaves without telling me why. Apologies if this seems forced, I hooe you all can understand!

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Prefers to be Pred but she can definitely be prey for those that want it!
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Usually the only type I will accept. Sorry to all those that enjoy hard vore, but I’m simply not a fan of chewing and other such facets. Soft all the way.
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Tends to be the outcome when getting eaten! However, I’m fine with stuff like endo as well, as below.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike Fatality is nice as well, but no perma, please.
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike If it fits into the story, then by all means feel free to request to include it!
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Keeping prey inside of a gut for a long while can be just as fun as digestion.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike The classic. Tends to be my métier when it comes to what I’m looking for. However…
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike …I’m perfectly fine with this as well.
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike She certainly can’t eat prey that way, but is fine with being consumed by another like that!
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Just don’t make it too messy!
Tail Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Despite the fact that she has a tail, it’s not one with a maw. But if my partner wants to use magic or something to give her one…then maybe we could work something out! She’s perfectly fine with being eaten by a tail, though.
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you have a new idea, feel free to surprise me! I might take a liking to it.
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike A big distended belly is usually how most RP’s end up with her!
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m fine with a more realistic role play if you want it. As realistic as vore can be, though. ^_^
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sorry, but please don’t ask me to do anything with this part of vore. I have nothing personal against it, it’s just not for me at the moment.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m honestly rather neutral to this. You can make it rough or desire the RP to be rough, but it’s not going to get to a ridiculous extent, sorry.
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike My go to!
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Almost all of the time I won’t ask for it in a RP, but feel free to request it! As long as the sex is a secondary component, and the actual vore is the primary.
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m fine with pain and a more realistic painful digestion if my partner wants it.
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike She can’t transform, but that could change if she meets another predator with magic!
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike Blood is okay, but keep it to the same level as a nosebleed. Just not too excessive to the point of gore.
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike When it comes to scat and disposal, I’m not a fan of the former but I’m okay with the latter if it only includes things such as vomiting or belching up bones and clothes. Just nothing coming out anywhere that isn’t the mouth.
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Neutral!
Magic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Magic is sometimes everywhere in her life, so don’t be scared to include it!
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Liking can be a lot of fun…
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike But I prefer unwilling much more. I will still do willing at a whim, however.
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike I’m usually a bigger fan of same size, but I wouldn’t mind trying out a tiny prey situation!
Same Size Always/Love
Never/Dislike Yea, please.
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike All
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike genders
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike are welcome.
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike All
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike species
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike are
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike welcome
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike as
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike well
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Long is good, and quick is okay as well!
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike If we’re doing a longer RP, then sure!
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike If you’re going to approach me, then please keep it OOC!
Multi-Session Always/Love
Never/Dislike A long session is loads of fun…
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike …and short ones can be just as entertaining!
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Another neutral on this one. I’m sorta picky when it comes to group, so please don’t overwhelm me if you want to do one!
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike The most basic dice rules are the only way I know at the moment, so if you wish to play a game then you’ll either have to teach me or wait until I fully understand it all by myself.
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Contact me if you’re interested via whisper or PUB’s! As long as I don’t have a DND status, of course.
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike All of my RP’s are private at the moment. I may eventually warm up to public in the future, but for now it’s just between me and my partner(s).