Hello there! Bellmouth High is a school reserved for only the most daring of students, as the 'dropout' rate is quite large!
My name is Bethany, and I am the Social Media Manager for Bellmouth! It's my job to go around and tell people about our different, ahem, services for offer. Some important things do need to be established first, however - there are some weird occurances here at Bellmouth...
First and foremost, the female to male student ratio is something akin to ten to one! Amazing, right? Guys tend to stop showing up to school much more frequently than their female counterparts, but that's not to say that hundreds of female students don't also mysteriously vanish. Meanwhile, the students that do stick around tend to go through some... interesting changes. The girls will come to school with much larder breasts than they had the night before, and the boys will show up with much larger muscles and whatnot, it really is a very interesting phenomenon. Akin to this, once or twice, large mountains of fecal matter have been reported nearby...
Oh, who am I kidding. Let's cut the (quite literal) shit. Bellmouth High is a vore school! Whilst it's really very underground, and very few students actually know about it, it's quite a large part of our school community. Most of the girls and some of the guys hang out in one huge group; hunting down, seducing, and preying on weaker students whenever they get the chance! Unfortunately, the school really has no way of protecting these inferior students, meaning that attending the school means you'll very likely end up as another student's food, fat and feces unless you're strong enough to make a presence for yourself. The school's motto is "Manducare Vel Comedetis" after all!
So, where should we start first? This page has been set up as a call to arms to a certain kind of community! We're desperately running out of students due to the high digestion rate! Below are a list of the kinds of people you could expect to meet at the high school, and you can speak to any of us if you're interested in becoming a part of the cafete-I MEAN-curriculum! Shoot us or any of our students a PUB if you're interested in signing up!
This school has its fair share of predators, and these are some of the best:
Bethany_Bennett! - The redheaded fiend!
That said, there are some people in attendance who'd rather become prey:
Calysta_Talath! - The crafty teenage genie!
Mayelin! - A young asian girl aspiring to be an artist!