Rogue anthromorphic predator, released in the Town_of_Miluina.
Be wary! He loves to impregnate and he loves to devour.
Zeus has taken quite the interest in a certain CEO named Dani_Jones. Don't be surprised if you see her limping from a good ruttin'.
Bred in a laboratory by the mad genius Dr_Miranda_Davis, he is the byproduct of altered red panda anthromorphic DNA mixed with a certain Gluttonous_Sui. This has created a ravenous predator that has finally had his first taste of flesh, o' so delectable meat. He's barely six weeks old but his aging has been accelerated through genetic tampering. Nearly 8', this creature is a growing lad with a cock thick enough to make experienced whores feel like virgins again.
Update: It's been weeks -- nay, months! -- since his 'birth.' Zeus has grown far more intelligent, capable of holding conversations and learning to manipulate in certain events. His height is no longer 8.5', he has outgrown that rapidly from meals and activity, nearing 10' now. Truly, he is a big boy.
Zeus is waiting patiently for the day Chira decides to ram her cock so far up his ass he can taste her cum out the back of his throat.
Those He Has Impregnated:
Doctor_Karla was flooded with enough cum that every time an egg releases from her ovaries, she'd.... well, let's just say she won't be flat-bellied any time soon.
Vore Whores Gone Permanently:
Vivian_F had been waiting for a bus on the corner, with her water about to break. Just as her contractions started, she was about halfway down his throat. The whore had it coming, what with her getting on her knees for his cock within seconds of being near him. (whispers, 3/28/18)
Kursted was looking for some fun in a vore club before meeting the fellow red panda predator. Talk led to a blowjob that led to being roughly fucked on a table, legs to her chest. Taunting and teasing wasn't wise, the canine was soon swallowed like a whole snack down to her end. Zeus left her a pile of shit in the open of the vore club. (whispers, 10/4/18)
Sari_Portima left her door open as if it were just a blind invitation to whomever passed. Unfortunately, Zeus entered. She had seen his creation months and months ago, being one of three that were around as he took his first breaths. He made sure he was there when she took her last breaths. She's nothing more than a skull atop a mound of shit in the toilet. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal. (whispers, 12/20/18)
Casy_Amber wanted to tempt fate. She didn't win. In fact, she became nothing more than a sloppy mess all over the floor, his body, and even swallowed down after she churned into a massive pile of spunk. Eagerly, too. (whispers, 12/15/2020)
Diana_Braker wanted to show him what 'momma' could do with his cock. She sucked, she slurped, she took it all, until it took her. She was coated in cum before being coaxed down with ease into his nuts. The eager pred showed her true colors as a nutslut, churned then splashed out. (whispers, 3/11/2022)