
A Little Sister who thinks herself a Big Daddy <3

Not much to tell yet. Girl strapped on a home made dive-suit and humped it across the ocean floor in a bathysphere- only to end up on the shore of this great city. Having been ostracized and labeled a monster by the city's residents, she's been forced to flee to the nearby park for now. Biding her time until the heat cools down. Despite her fearsome appearance the poor girl isn't exactly the most brave of sorts.

YES she's armed with plasmids. Being a Little Sister gives her access to the full gamut of Plasmid-based defenses to go along with that nasty drill weapon she has. Not only that, her regenerative capability is unrivaled in the animal kingdom. There isn't much that can destroy Big Mamma Ann.

"Daddy's Shout"- massive sonic scream that all Big Daddy's are known for. More intimidation than anything. It might pop an eardrum or two, but for the most part its just a loud bellowing "BAWOOO!".

"Drill Dive"- Whats it sound like? The heavy little thing flies at a single target drill first- preferably into a wall where drill based de-gutting is soon to follow.