
"Gotta watch what you say on Iguna street, ya never know who's listenin' or what might make'em slip a blade between your ribs~." ~Bles, right before she did that very thing.
A white sign printed with the words I ♥ a Girl Whos Gobblin' in big, blocky capital letters with a thin black line below them. Illuminated below this is a slightly faded image of a little stacked goblin kneeling with her cheeks puffed up and full with a tiny bit of glaze on her lips next to an Amazon looking woman in a lightly tented loincloth. This is the sign that that guides the way down the alley way that Bles calls home, workplace, and fortress on the notorious Iguana Street. Every city has a street like this one, the one where no one goes if they have any reputable business and most always be on alert for signs they might suddenly be in a fight for their life. A red light district full of glitz on the surface but with crime, corruption, black magic, and violence lurking beneath the neon lights and pretty people strutting about looking for their next fix. People go missing on Iguana Street all the time and the cops never show up, so if one wants to make it they have to be able to rely on themselves or get the hell out while they can. one of the unfortunate gutter rats that grew up there. If you think that makes for a terrible childhood, you'd be right! She's fought, sucked, and dealt her way through life with a trusty shiv made of goblin magick at her side for her entire life and the result is the crass, rude, and domineering goblin gal that people see today. She did what was seemingly unthinkable and carved out a little niche for herself and 'her girls', hookers looking to band together for protection that rent out the apartments that Bles owns so long as they give her a cut of their profits and don't muck up the place.
That's right, she's essentially a pimp but a working one for people who know the terms, just like every other girl in Gobblin' Alley, but the difference is that Bles is the one in charge. She knows it and makes sure anyone who crosses the threshold of her business does as well, there's a whole series of unspoken rules that strip power from people who break them without them knowing, ancient protections Bles exploits to deal with punters who don't pay or rough up her merchandise. A little hard ass for sure and when shoved into the corner, this little shortstack has even been spotted with a massive, gurgling belly that kicks and moans out for help but so far no one has been dumb enough to do so. Probably another unspoken rule to avoid breaking. Currently most of her apartments are empty and Bles doesn't require her girls to hook but she does encourage it, either way she gets her cut or they fill her gut~. Don't mess with the short goblin madame or her domming ways!
Current Residents of Gobblin' Alley
Still figuring out what I want to do with Bles here, aside from light profile play and setting up a cute, sexy little community of goblin-owned hookers. So..Bles is a domme, predatory goblin and she's a shortstack, thats all the important information about her right now. Tune in for more later!
A SugarySweetAlts production~.