Bluelips is a voracious predator, it loves to tease and suckle its victims before finally swallowing them down for its own nourishment, showing no mercy as it consumes its victims, that is after it is finished playing with its new meal. Some cases have been known to take hours.
Its appearance at first would look much like a series of pods within a giant blue flower, with a larger pod in the middle, however, all of these produce mouths and sensory vines connecting from them, always looking for a victim to either trick or perhaps persuade over, with its many mouth, tendrils, and skill in taking in prey, it isn't long before his next victim is within its stomach pod.
Bluelips isn't picky about gender either, it will just as happily tease and swallow males and females alike to get its enjoyment and then finish them off.
Demi's and anthro's are no different either, believing that there is something always more to taste.
((some OOC notes, Pretty much everything is okay with this char except for being prey, extreme scat, and stupid extreme kinks, that is all.))