
"Now introducing to the stage, the amazing and adorable...BRIT BUCKLEY!"
Brit Buckley, one of the newest pop sensations to hit the Icelandic music scene and quickly sky-rocketing to the top of the charts with hit after hit until she occupied the top position for a few months until the hype wore down and her fame plateaued. She was well known for her energetic songs and wonderful dance choreography that managed to be cute and sexy at the same time! Course, as is the case for many young pop-stars, it couldn't last forever and Brit found herself with the choice to go into TV shows and cheap, cheesy kids' movies or to fade from the public spotlight with her dignity. She chose to take a break from the whole fame scene if she wasn't going to be famous for doing what she wanted to be known for. Invested her money (or rather had people do it for her) and bided her time for the opportunity that she knew would come eventually; turns out that she was right and eventually her music became the 'hip' thing once more and she was in the perfect position to strike!
...Until she ended up in the Nexus anyway.
Now with a sizable bit of bank beneath her belt and ready to relaunch her music career with a more adult style to attract a new fan-base, Brit's still open to becoming the pop sensation she used to be known as...just for an entirely new audience. She's a little young for most folks taste, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a cute body and absolutely amazing rear end to titillate and entice others with. Plus it helps that she's actually a pretty good singer and has the bank to pay for her endeavors on her own and put on some truly amazing shows for new fans and old. Truth be told, even if this park place is rather peculiar, she's excited about the challenges of finding the right material and way to present herself to win over an entirely new group of people. Inspiration is just a fickle bitch like that and the girl is all a quiver to see what she can make happen!