Gold. Silver. Priceless gems. Magical artifacts. Bizarre relics. Just about everything you could hope to find within a buried treasure is hidden inside of a treasure chest the likes of which none alive have ever seen. But of course finding it is the difficult part. For no mere adventurer can acquire the treasure on End Island, as so far all who have attempted to find this miraculous treasure have met their untimely demises on its shores. Now who is it that accumulated such a vast treasure, one of such great power and wealth, only to hide it? Captain Morgana Rose, that's who.
While everyone has heard of Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, and Jack Sparrow, there are no tales floating the seas of Captain Rose, for she left no survivors to tell of her tales. No one knew who she was, nor the hundreds she'd robbed from-they only found dead bodies ashore and boats of blood-yet no bodies. One one of those ships the Prince of the Sea had been in disguise. With him murdered, she upset the gods of the sea, who imprisoned her on End Island, intending it to be the last place she would ever set foot. But her crew had no such restrictions. They all went ashore save her first mate, who took the ship back out to sea, as he loved Captain Rose. He went to her with the treasure and the two of them alone supposedly cursed the island far worse than any other.
The crew spread these tales, though few believed them. Eventually, however, a few went out to look for them. Soon, people noticed they weren't returning, and more and more crews set sail to find the treasure. None returned. Eventually interest would die down, though there are still a few people who know what happened, a few who care. They still tell people of the treasure, craving some for themselves, only to never see the sent crews again.
So what happens to those who go ashore on the island? What fates await the daring or unlucky few to step foot upon it? Set sail to find out! ((or wait for me to finish the profile-some dangers will be added soon, others later. I reccomend playing to find out though. Much more fun that way!))
OOC:: Feel free to whisper, not all scenes need to be set up as pirates and stuff, there are regular scenes available too! Just something fun I thought I'd try.
One of the few humans on the island, Lilah has actually been there for quite some time. Stranded there when the ship she was a part of crashed, the girl is the last survivor of the group. No one has yet to figure out how she's still alive, but she is. She doesn't seem to be out to kill anyone, but that doesn't mean she's harmless. Watch out for her!
And where will you find her? and the treasure? Well on the island of course! And the island, of course, starts with the shore:
The Sea Beast
A giant, monstrous creature, this being alone is the main reason no one ever leaves the island. He swims around it, trashing boats and devouring those who dare attempt to swim away. The Sea Beast probably has the highest death toll in terms of explorers, occasionally devouring whole ships. Of course, he's not perfect. But he's pretty darn good. Keep that in mind when heading to End Island.
Surprise surprise! On the shores of the island, in the rivers, in the water-filled caverns within the depths of the caves are some rather voracious mermaids. Sometimes they'll be nice, seducing you to your death-other times, they just attack viciously. But some of them are nice! They still might devour you-but still nice!
The beach leads up to the jungle-and in the middle of the jungle is the way to the treasure of all treasure.
Oh, not just a regular rhino. These are incredibly carnivorous, incredibly hungry, and incredibly dangerous. Though they aren't all bad. Well, they are. But as long as they eat one person, they'll leave the rest alone. So then all you need to do is feed them. Question is, how many people can you spare? The good news is, these are mostly only in the forest.
Then from there, you can find a temple built into the side of a mountain-one that leads to the caves with the Treasure itself! So far, no one has explored it. Question is, what is inside? Chances are, you won't live to tell anyone else. Still, you should explore!