Nergigante fellow. Sento
Art was commissioned by me. Don't use it.
I don't feel like writing anything right now.
Nergigante is a dragon with a bristly appearance. It is covered in spikes that constantly regrow as they're broken off. It has two massive horns similar to a bull. The monster's hide is primarily black with purple and orange accents. Nergigante is constantly regenerating its skin as it attacks and is struck by hunters. It will slowly grow white spikes on certain body parts, which harden over time. Hunters must try to break the white spikes before they harden. Once they have hardened, its attacks deal more damage. These spikes are white in color when they regrow, but will turn black if left to harden. Once these spikes have hardened, they will deal more damage to foes and repel attacks.
These spikes will also be launched from Nergigante's body when it performs certain attacks, giving these attacks more range and making them more dangerous. Additionally, the hardened spikes require higher sharpness on melee weapons than normal to prevent bouncing off. When all possible body parts have hardened spikes, Nergigante will perform a special attack. It will briefly hover in the air, before crashing down. This will break the spikes on all body parts.
Nergigante is an extremely aggressive monster that will continue to fight even if it means harming its own body. It'll attack anything without hesitation, especially if a creature dares attack it. Nergigante is particularly ferocious towards other Elder Dragons since it feeds on them. Nergigante actively hunts and feeds on Elder Dragons to gain massive amounts of energy. Because of this, it will get into turf wars with the Elder Dragons Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Lunastra. Nergigante doesn't rely on elemental prowess, however. It chooses to overwhelm its opponents and prey through sheer aggression and brute force.
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