
Temp vored!

RachelRoth_ finally broke my streak in blackjack. She shoved me up her ass afterwards and dumped me in the garbage. I'm jiggling on her rear until Feb 16th

hot karen

Oh! Noticing me?

hot karen

Hey hot stuff wanna play high stakes strip black jack?

hot karen

If I win you're going on these for a while and I'm taking everything you've got on you~

If I lose though I'm all yours~

hot karen

Feeling lucky~?

Karen is a gambler and one down on her luck after a nasty divorce. After sleeping with the judge she got a generous settlement in her favor and she currently wears her ex husband on her tits.

Problem is he was the one making all the money which she'd gamble against desperate prey's lives to plump herself and make a few extra bucks when she wasn't on boobs herself...

Its a hard habit to kick and she's still gambling every prey, pred and switch she can get to draw a couple cards for black jack with her. She's got a deal with only fans to get some money whenever she posts herself with prey fat.

When she wins it's more money in her pocket for frivolous spending and when she loses... Well hopefully her crappy reforming insurance doesn't progress her progress to permavore too much...

It's only a matter of time until her reforming plan is terminated Karen will be cancelled! (As in permavored)

Gambling with her

The game is blackjack. Aces as 1 or 11. Swap who draws hand first each round. And yes we can't hide our cards from each other but oh well!

Whoever loses the hand drops a piece of clothing.

If you busted... Drop another piece of clothing!

Lose while naked get eaten!

Bust while naked? Double your consequences!

Karen currently has a top, bra, skirt, panties. I'd recommend 4 items of clothing for opponents a lil more or less is fine though.

Fyi to draw cards in chat its !1dC for a single card.

Digested by her?

Aww looks like you'll be spending time as Karen cleavage! Shame!

We play one more round of blackjack, my draw frist. Win and your sentence is short. You'll get one drawn cards worth of days as fat. If you get a blackjack then we divide it in half! Aces are 11!

Lose that round? You're in for a longer sentence! You'll get 1 drawn cards worth of WEEKS as her fat.

Bust that round? Oof sorry hun~ You'll get 1 drawn cards worth of MONTHS as her fat~! That's right M-O-N-T-H-S

If I get a blackjack then consequences are doubled! Ties are a win for me!

Karen's crummy reforming insurance

Her insurance is through only fans if you can believe it! They have plans for preds making content for them. Designed to thrill fans about the fates of their favorite adult workers!

It works much the way as getting digested by her.

We'll play one last round of blackjack. You go first. you win on ties.

If I get blackjack then I reform next day! And no progress to permavore

If I just win then I spend 1 drawn cards worth of days digested. And a card of progress to permavore.

If I lose then I spend 1 drawn cards worth of weeks digested. And two cards of progress to permavore.

If I bust I spend 1 drawn cards worth of months digested. And three cards of progress to permavore.

However... if you get blackjack on this hand its trouble for me, it's an automatic bust added to my permavore progress!

Finally Karen can downgrade any Tempvore sentence to the next lower grade so from Months->Weeks but at a cost! She has to draw another card towards permavore to do so!

Karen's progress to permavore

When Karen has a card added to permavore progress she draws a hand if she doesn't have one already. Then draws however many cards she needs to from the reforming game above and puts it here on her profile. This work as a blackjack hand.

If she manages to hit 21 she's safe! and puts that hand away!

If it eventually busts she loses clothing permanently!

Eventually Karen will end up naked this way! If she busts a permavore progress hand while naked that's it! She's done for! Permavored for good!

Current Permavore hand progress: 9...

Current permavore progress busts: 0! ( still have all my clothes! )

Karen's prey

Karen managed to snag Tattoo_Artist The sly thing cheated a little and technically won but relented in the end and let me swallow her. She didn't know I was playing for keeps. I sloshed her and put a temporary tattoo on to keep her as tits! She will be titties for ten days~ I'll be sure to find a few cocks to get off with her wrapped around them~

Karen easily beat Succubus_Shannon in a quick game. She still had her skirt and panties left on when Shannon lost naked. A feet first trip down my throat ended with her sloshing in my gut. I humped the bulge she made until it was mush and left her as my flushed demonic dump. She's on my tits for just 3 days unfortunately. Wish I got her for longer~!

It came down to the last hand with Past_Streamers. This was with Jazz a Latina pregger. It was ridiculous, she came with less clothes and I nearly lost. But in the end the cards love me and she busted her last hand. I made a quick meal out of her. I humped the bulge she made on my middle until orgasm then terminated her pregnancy with a bit of gurgling. I added the liquefied Latina to my lumps for only 2 days... But then she wanted to go double or nothing. No punishment if she won. She didn't and earned herself 4 months of time as tits... Which she rejected again and put her entire future on the line for one more double or nothing... Win and come back... Lose and permavored...
And Jazz isn't coming back~ In the end I tempted her into drawing on a 20~ The best hand she could have without an outright win. She practically gave herself to me after all the teasing. And now the Latina is lumps on me~

It was hardly a game with Carla_TheVorocious. Karen didn't lose any clothes and she teased the gut slut that calls herself a switch to her own death. Carla lost a bit but quickly started to bust her own hands purposely to end up on Karen's cleavage. A guy nearby humped her to chunks and she never even got a word out before she churned inside me! She'll be gone a week~
Then a boy showed up wanting a go with me. Zeke_Z agreed to go in me and gamble his own life for the chance to give me a quick fuck and cock vore me... I had to roll a d100 and keep rolling until I got a 1.
I rolled 1 on the first try. He was instantly digested upon going in me with his hard little cock and hopes of getting to sperm me. He got perma slopped for his miraculous failure~. I flushed both those characters after that.

Closer than I'd like with ImCharlee. she came in drunk with two pieces of clothing and I had her naked in the first two hands. Then the cards teased me a bit getting me to my underwear before I finally clinched the victory and sent a very sore loser into my stomach! Charlee thrashed and didn't enjoy her digestion at all as I used her to hump against to my own climax. I left her as a steaming pile in a toilet before swirling her down to the sewers. Dunno how long she'll be out of commission yet!

Another day another ditz... Sam_clarkmen had hopes and dreams. Then she came to my table, asked about my winning streak and I admitted some of them more or less willingly kept taking hits to end up on me. The butt slut couldn't admit that's what she wanted but sat down anyways. What followed was her folding mid game, not even taking a hit to try and win. She simply surrendered and ate my ass out before I smothered her with it. Her limp body was slurped into my butt cheeks and I sent her back out as logs. That's right she's perma-turds

My streak finally broken by that damn amateur RachelRoth_ ugh. Got beaten, eaten and dumped into a trash can. My remains got glazed in jizz and I got tempvored for 9 days... First time to have to draw towards permavore too...
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Required
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike I can do perma or without if I like the character and scene enough
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't need or want to play this out.
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe like tempvore stuff and being trapped but a minor interest
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't have one but love it
Anal Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't have much to perform it with but love it
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like the finality here for perma play or in scene perma
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Love disposal in general but it can be skipped for scenes and characters I like enough
Watersports Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ehh sometimes but not often. Femboys might be a little more attractive but don't be surprised if I turn you down.
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I do however love me some herms with cocks. Vagina optional
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike My main squeeze
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I can do this too
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Case by case and probably not for most cases
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Same as furry
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Same as furry
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike This however I can really get into (pun unintended)
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can totally do short form play with this char
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike I absolutely adore rolling dice to decide what happens
Permavore Always/Love