in the wroks
alt of VorarbeiterMonty
From lord general Marc to Warmaster Slaydo
i write to you on account of the Kcuilis Hunter divisions[khd] while i was at first misturstful of a mutant combined armed uniti controlled by the Inquisition and the Tech Priests of Mars amoung by ranks espaial not under my control despite this they fit in well and where able to work well with other despite mistrust, it was in combat that they shone no mission or order to suedicial or difficult was completed, it was in the tarkin problem that they shone, the forces of choas displeased and angry at out victory sought to our rightful victory and summoned fourth a warp portal to dispelese the choas demon it seemed as thou the nightwares of my childhood where and everything was black the titan green glade fell, even the mighty Astartes of the bastion chapter ran but members of the 34th khd stood fim and perssed by what it seems was the spirt of the empourer killed and stood firm holding off horors of unimagined power untilo the Inquestion wqs able to close it. as such i have to ask the highest commendations and honor for them. yous in duty Marc
transpict between Major Rawe [MR] and colonol Gaunt [cg]
mr: Gaunt why have the commissars been withdrawn from the regiments it happened when thoses kcuilis dogs came
cg:its simple rawe no one run away kcuilis are about
transpict of lord general roth to his staff
and with that all sorted gentleman we have only one problem and that's the kcuilis hunter divisions and that's they have two problems one is they have two speeds charge and run by the way the run parts towards the enermy by the way, and they are really good killers so to be raher blunt about it the other regiments will resent having to clean up there mess whihs sucks for anyone
the history of the planet
lord commissar tarnia mur-op
loard commissa regant mur-op