
An icy breeze lazily rolls by, whisking past Celie's milky-white arms and sending a chill up the catboy's spine, "Jeez, to think I left the bathhouse for this." he muses to himself. This last town was especially charming, the rich food and respectful culture were among the most phenomenal of the two he's experienced in a while; maybe they'd even rank in his little top five list that he keeps snug in his kitty-embroidered notebook! Anyway, he whistles thoughtlessly, holding each of his hands against the opposite arm, rubbing them up and down slowly to try and warm up a bit.

This all of course before his ears perk up, twitching with a mind of their own. His keen animalistic senses kick in, someone's there, off in the distance. He can barely make them out but there's definitely someone there, a woman? She looks hurt or something, she's just standing there. "I want to help, but I have this bad feeling.." he whispers to himself, his fur standing on edge, the catboy not wanting to acknowledge the slow deliberate terror that seemed to loom over him and encrouch on his previously peaceful mind. He'll....just keep walking. It'll be alright.

Celie blinks before two glowing crimson orbs are mere millimeters away from his own beady black eyes. Instantly, he lets forth some kind of gutteral, primal, gut-wrenching scream that's heard for nearly a mile. The sickly pale woman clad in an unusual charcoal-black dress eerily brings a finger to her lips, her movements unusual and disjointed, "Shhh~" she whispers softly. A wicked grin creeps across her face from ear to ear. The air around the two hangs still, dead in a sense, almost as if *it too* were horrified and dared not move. Translucent tears well up slowly and patter down Celie's cheeks as he nods. He's shaking, he wants to turn and run so badly, but for some reason he feels listening to this woman, this......*thing* for now is wiser. She touches a gloved hand to his head and caresses it lovingly, like a mother to her child- all the while humming a gentle song long-forgotten by time.

And that's all that the anonymous account gives, it stops shortly after that, the pen scribbles on the paper just sort of group into an incoherent mess and end. There are warnings abound now though, tales to be heeded some say- of a catboy traveling all on his own. They say you should turn away should you ever see him, to not give into any of his requests; lest you desire to learn that true monsters are *real*.

"Waaah- It's time to get going then~" Celie says with a girlish sing-song voice, stretching his arms behind his head with a small sigh. Something pitch-black writhes back inside inside of his taut body. "Oh gosh, what a mess, I can't believe I missed a spot!" he exclaims looking downwards, licking a few drops of iron-scented ruby liquid out of his pearly white fur before continuing onward.

Quick Stats:

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Feline-Anthro

Height: 5 feet 6 inches

Powers: ???


An_IRL_Cat Alt.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Hard pred lean, he's *possible* as a prey, but there'd have to be good reasoning for it.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Butts. <3 Clean or messy is fine with this, by the way.
Soul Vore Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sex is always a good thing, yup~
Pain Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike Oh jeez what to say about these things? I don't really *love* scat/disp/ws but I don't hate it either. I probably won't bring it up but if my partner wants to do it I usually will.
Disposal Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Note: that this is for femboys/traps, I don't usually play with males otherwise. If you're not one of those but you're a male, message me and I'll see what I think!
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Feel free to talk to me! I don't bite, only nibble. I also love flirting.
Sweat/Musk Always/Love
Never/Dislike Always hot, always welcome. <3
Facesitting Always/Love
Petplay Always/Love