caught wind she was throwing another party. Crann practically threw herself at the girl. She was gracious enough to allow her to finish throwing her party, but after disappearing near the end of the festivities, Angela was more than happy to show the remaining guests of the vorgy what became of their host. Missing the elf~? Just go make out with her, on Angela's ass! Careful, though, it kisses back~
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann was throwing another one of her overly extravagant vore parties that always devolved into vorgies. Many high profile preds and prey were there. Even some preds that had marked themselves as prey. Crann, for her part, had enjoyed the spotlight her heritage afforded her. She was in her room. combing out her hair and picking out her "outfit", a bowtie, as well as a garter belt. When she opened the door, she smiled at all the faces. But one stood out. She'd never seen the girl before. "Welcome, all you wonderful guys and gals. It's the 3rd annual Crann-stravaganza. If ifs your first time here," she started to descend the stairs. "Don't worry, there's plenty of food." She got a hearty chuckle out of them all. "Wellp, what are you waiting for! Fuck, drink, eat each other! You're not at mass, you are mass! Get wild!" Raucous cheers ensued as she rounded the last step. "Well, isn't this a fun little party~"
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Angela has heard about these parties, these gatherings before and decided she would come see what all the fuss was about. So far it had served to give her a lot of eye candy, plenty of good looking people around to nibble on if she so desired, which seemed to be the general theme given by some of the guests squirming bulges or just the way some of the prey carried themselves, in almost a 'please eat me' manner. Granted, that was pretty normal in these parts these days but having a party devoted to it, well she fit right in. As the host came down the stairs, Ang's eyes traveled to her, a smirk instantly coming to Ang's face. How delightful, an elf. Not super common these days, seemingly hunted to near extinction for their exquisite flavor, and here was one, throwing a party, a vore party. Ang could scarcely believe her luck.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann had locked eyes across the room. She busied herself in the meantime. She'd intentionally chosen to lose track of Angela. She'd find her again later, when she made sure her guests were well tended to. Smiling and laughing, even hugging some of the larger predators, as a host, she seemed rather in her element. Graceful, charismatic, beautiful. all the things elves should be. Later, she could be found in the kitchen, serving wine to her guests, when she saw Angela out of the corner of her eye. Without missing a beat, she tightened her legs a little, offering her hand to Angela. "Crann, the one and only, at your service, miss ... ~?"
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Angela lost tack of the elf after her introduction, but it mattered not. She was a patient woman, and given that this woman was the host, she had no doubt she'd turn up again, likely even come and introduce herself to a newcomer. Angela's hunch ended up being correct as she was later on in the evening approached by Crann herself. Her telltale little smirk appeared on her lips again as an elven hand was offered her direction. She took it in a firm grip, giving it a shake before replying. "Angela. Nice to meet you dear. And quite the lovely get together and gathering you have going on here. I am rather impressed. Though I can say for certain that a few of your...guests won't be making a return trip to next years festivities~"
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: "A pleasure, then, Angela. By the end, I earnestly hope some of the preds eat each other too. Those eyes, though ... I can see it in them. You'll be happy to know I sent security home, for the night. No, I think you'll make a fine final act, for me. I only ask that you wait til everything's situated before we head back upstairs. I wouldn't be a terribly good host if I didn't~" She bit her lip, pressing herself against Angela. She could barely help but throw herself against the gorgeous predator, wanting to add to that.
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: "Oh but of course my dear~ I wouldn't wish to make you a bad host before sending you on your way to something better." She chuckles softly as Crann presses up against her, her arm lightly trailing around the elf, sliding down her back to cup her rump, giving it a soft, gently squeeze. "I can imagine some of the other preds here will find themselves prey before too long, I was eyeing a few myself. Its so much more fun to remove so called, competition, after they think they hot shit. Then, well. Make them hot shit." She chuckles softly once more, patting Crann's rump. "But don't let me keep you dear. Go do hostess things, bounce around, flirt, tease, dance. I'll be here waiting for you~"
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann purred softly, giving her a little kiss on the cheek before whispered. "I'd love to watch you in action, before I go that way myself~" Before kissing that ear sweetly and skipping off, lighter than air. She adored the teasing she'd recieved. The hours went by, and the heat of the room became intense. So many prey and preds alike, melting away in guts. Crann couldn't be happier. Angela was perfect, and do add to that? She was obviously wet.
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Ang chuckles in response as she pats Crann's rump again. "Oh maybe you will, depends how hungry I get waiting for the main course~" She smirks at that little kiss watching as Crann skips off, her butt swaying back and forth before vanishing once more into the crowd of people to mingle and be a good hostess. Meanwhile, Ang found herself a nice corner to relax in, to keep an eye on everyone. While she was one of the top predators in the area, she dind't like to leave anything to chance, leave no opening for someone to sneak up on her, as she had done to so many others. She had to be smart to live this long after all~ She caught glimpses of the happy little elf throughout the evening, each time bringing a smirk to her face as she watched, and waited.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Things, started to die down ... Crann finally decided to retire for the night, and for good, ascending the stairs one final time. "Lovely having you all here, dears. I hope you enjoyed yourself, this will likely be my last event.~ Drink it in while it lasts~" She kept her eyes on Angela. One last show for the elf, she thought~
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Hearing Crann's announcement,. Angela peeled herself away from the corner, heading to the stairs to follow the elf up them, her eyes watching as Crann swayed and spoke and put on a show for all her remaining guests to see. Crann knew it'd be her last show, and she was doing a damn good job of entertaining for it. Ang was enjoying it herself even as she squeezed past a few gurgling guts to follow the lovely elf.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann lead Angela back to her room, and had locked the door behind her, giggling and pulling Angela to the bed. It was a spacious room, with an oversized bathroom. A throne fit for a queen, and a queenly dump. She purred, kissing her passionately, excitedly. "My last rodeo ... Never thought I'd be so excited to experience it ...~"
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Ang smiles as Crann leads her along, right into the elf's room, locking the door behind them. "I am honored that you have decided to end your lovely life inside of me my dear. You will add nicely to my chest, and round out my perfect ass even more." She smiles at Crann, pushing her back onto the bed and laying atop her. "Not to mention the makeover you're going to get, your perfect skin isn't going to look so perfect once I'm through with you. Then again, maybe you think it'll look even more perfect~"
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann blushed gently, kissing up sweetly at her fingers. Squirming underneath Ang, she bit her bottom lip and reached around to that ass and squeezed. "Hard to imagine it can get any curvier ... But if it can ... Not to toot my own horn but you're incredibly lucky. We're hard to find, these days. Greedy girls like you~"
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann blushed softly, feeling those licks. She adored the affection she was receiving. Or was it attention ... He covered Angela in as many kisses as she could. "If I could, I'd choose to embrace your form with more pudge, again and again ... But you only get one ... Don't you, Angela ...~"
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Ang chuckles as she nibbles at those pointed elven ears, such a rare treat to nibble upon. "Indeed, only one you, only one lovely meal. That is why I am going to savor it me dear." Her hands slide up to start stripping Crann, removing those pesky articles of clothing to bare the elf in all her glory, all her lovely, rare glory. "I am going to taste." She pauses to nibble at Crann's shoulder blade. "Every." Another nibble to Crann's neck. "Inch of you." Her tongue slides from between Crann's breasts up to her lips.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann blushes more hotly now as Angela too her chance to sample the girl all over ...~ "Ahn ... Gonna gobble every last bit of me up and ruin me in that body ..." He fingers started to rub softly over her cunny, that honey dripping freely from between her legs. "Angela, I ... we've never met, before now, but ... Already, it's hard for me to imagine not having a future as part of you ... I guess you could say I always did."
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Angela smiles down at Crann, leaning in to nibble at her lower lip even as the elven beauty begins to play with herself. "Since you are such a sweet heart, both in taste, and in personality. I'll let you choose. Head first, or feet first? Its rare I give my meals that option, but you, as I said, are worth savoring." Her hands roam along Crann's body, groping gently at her chest, feeling those soft breasts and imagining them in her mouth, drooling slightly at the thought.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: "Feet first. I don't want to miss a thing ..." The sweet elf stole a kiss right at Angela's lip, in return, staring into her eyes. "These hundreds of years lived, and the hundreds more I could have ... Just to end up as curves and shit ..." Her hands were soaked, by now, feeling those hands squeezing her tits. "Then I can get one last kiss in. The perfect dessert for a wonderful meal ...~ Just promise me one thing? Dump me in front of everyone ... I want them to know what became of me. I want the world over to know that Miss Angela claimed this elf for her greedy gut~"
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Ang smiles down at the lovely elf, so aroused, so happy to be a meal. "As if I would let your remaining guests wonder what became of you my dear. Of course I'm going to dump you in front of everyone, let them see what has become of their lovely host, let them see what she has turned into~" Ang kisses down Crann's body, planting her lips against all her curves, her smooth skin, nibbling and licking in a few spots before coming up to her feet. "Last chance to change your mind." She says as she looks up Crann's body from her bottom. Not that she gives the elf any time to respond, her mouth opening and sucking in those dainty feet, tongue licking and lapping around them greedily.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann moaned, and her fingering began a new. "Never did get a chance to taste that pucker." She pouted a little between moans. None of that mattered, anymore. She was Angela's ... Those feet were packed in tightly, into that maw, rocking her hips into her fingers.
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Ang's tongue swirls around those feet before giving a loud swallow, the gulp ringing out in the room as Crann's feet slide into her throat. Those sexy tonged calves move into Ang's mouth as her tongue lathers them up. Tasting and enjoying that sweet elven flavor. She could only imagine how good it'd taste once she reached that soaking wet midsection that Crann had her fingers buried in. Another swallow pulled the elf's legs in deeper, Ang's hands moving to slide along Crann's body, groping, squeezing at her, not to pleasure her, but to test her meat, every inch of her body was meat to the hungry brunette now, and Ang was going to treat it as such.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Moans out louder, no longer restraining herself. The door was locked anyway. She wasn't a screamer, but she figured, she could be as loud as she wanted. It was her last hurrah. "F-fuck, Angela ... Hurry up, I'm so cold!" She whined. She wasn't able to restrain herself anymore. "Keep me warm!"
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Despite the elf pleading cries, which for once weren't to be let go, Ang continues to take her time. Another soft swallow has Crann's rump and cunny sliding into Ang's mouth, where her tongue immediately forces its way past those elven fingers, diving straight into that honeypot. Licking, lapping, tasting that sweet nectar, that extra flavor of this wonderful elf, enjoying it oh so much. She moans out herself, right around her meal as her tongue slithers around inside Crann's nethers. Alas, all good things must come to an end, and soon she gives another swallow, her lips sliding up Crann's body, and Crann's leaking sex sliding into Ang's throat.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann's honey had an otherworldly taste. Something that couldn't be enjoyed frequently, or else it would lose its specialty. No, Angela was doing the right thing, by packing the elven preyslut away, before rump, cunny, and hips all disappeared into that maw. She fingered ever more furiously, staring into her eyes the whole time. "The whole of me ... I am yours, none else's ... The most amount of love you can give anyone, I think ..." She panted, her throat dry from all her moaning, loving that gaze Angela returned~
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Ang's lips slide up Crann's body, coming to rest right below those lovely elven breasts. Her tongue sneaks out, running up Crann's chest to slide under those mounds of flesh, teasing them before they entered her ravenous maw. She could feel Crann squirming, moving, masturbating within her throat, like a good piece of meat, and it made her eyes sparkle with delight. All the while she kept them focused on Crann's face, watching her emotions, her longings, her desires as they faded and gave way to Angela's desires. Not that the two desires were all that different. One wanted a meal, the other wanted to be a meal.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: With some agile squirming, she managed to arch herself back down a bit, kissing softly over her nose as she continued to be brought lower and lower into that stomach, panting, her expression growing more exhausted. She'd clearly worked out most of her energy, or given it all to Angela~ One last kiss with her highest love. It was all worth it.
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Ang could feel the elven delicacy slowing in her movements, her energy wearing out as she got herself off on being swallowed alive. So Ang did what she could. She gulped, and swallowed, and sucked on Crann, those breasts sliding into her mouth, getting teased, tasted, even gently nibbled as they passed by Ang's teeth, then right down her throat they went. Crann's arms and shoulders slid in, with little to no resistance or pausing. Soon it was just Crann's head left outside. Ang watched as Crann's face was one of pure bliss, happines and fulfillment, even as she was kissed. another swallow would have her lips sliding up and over Crann's face, slowly but surely sealing the elf's fate.
[Crann -> Angela_Parker]: Crann blushed hotly as Angela finished her off at a quicker pace, once it was clear she ran out of gas. She got one last look at the outside, one last kiss, before she was closed off to the world. Sinking into that stomach, she closed her eyes, rubbing out one last toe curling, hip rocking orgasm. Some mutterance of "Thank you, Angela" before she passed out. She was good meat~
[Angela_Parker -> Crann]: Ang rubbed her gut as the elven meat inside it was quick to pass out. Good, she thought to herself. She didn't want the lovley meal to feel any pain as she melted down, melted away into nothing but fat and curves for the lovely brunette predator. Her stomach is quick to work, melting that meat down into a slurry, and sending that slurry into her intestines. It doesn't take long for what used to be Crann to start padding out Ang's ass and chest. Her tits don't gain much fat, but her ass definitely does. Apparently, the lovely elf was an ass gal, and she went right to it! Ang chuckles as she inspects her body, hands roaming out it, cupping her rump and shaking her head. "Damned elf, now I have to work this extra pudge off later, I thought you'd spread out evenly!" She sighs and shrugs, smirking, always smirking as she went to the door and unlocked it. Stepping out of the room, there was a small crowd gathered from Crann's moaning. Ang just winks at them as she heads down the stairs, moving to the center of the house, where some people were still gatehred. "Attention part goers!" She yells out, the music coming to a halt, the only sound in the room that of gurgling guts, churning nuts, and moaning sluts. "I'd like to present to you." She turns and squats on the centerpiece of the table, her ass wobbling lightly as she grunts, a blast of hot gas emerging from her rump, filling the room with its noxious fumes. "Crann!" She says at last as her pucker flexes and a brown turd begins to slide out, fall onto the table with a wet splat. The brunette grunts again, pushing more loafs of shit from her rear, the once beautiful elven woman now nothing but Ang's shit, brown and smelling to high heaven. Fragments of broken and burnt bone speckled through each log, a few strands of reddish brown hair, caked in waste were all that proved it was Crann. Well up until that elven skull popped from Ang's rear end, landing on the table with a clatter and rolling to the head, face up, with a smile still plastered on its face. It was cracked, half digested, and completely filled with shit, fecal matters running out of the eye sockets, but it was still smiling, just as Crann had been. Ang lets out another poot of gas as she stands, waving a hand in front of her face and chuckling. "I think she looks much better, how about you all? Give her a hand! She gave up everything for this party, and to me~" With than ang hops off thet able, leaving the steaming pile of Crann there, people running over to inspect it, laughing and pointing, blushing and moaning as Angela exited the house, happy and fed~
"My pic below for reference, though quite useless, at this point~"