Name – Kras
Height – 4'03 ft
Sex – Male
Age - Early 30s
Species – Kobold
Alignment – Lawful Neutral
Occupation – Private Military Contractor, Employed by
Background – At a young age Kras began interested in robotics and wanted to shape the world with them in some manner, so he began to research and soon develop his own RC hover autonomous robot named "1". At the age of 15 he own the science fair for his robot creations and caught the eyes of the law enforcement in his city. At the age of 18 when getting into college he was requested by the law enforcement to join them in and make use of his bots, which he accepted as a way of finally showing the world his creations. Completing the police course he would be placed in a special Task Force called Special-Task force Against Gangs, or STAG for short. During one of his missions he would be captured by an infamous gang STAG has been fighting over their Operation and here he would be tortured as an attempt to break him and make him give his knowledge to them on robotics, though he remained silent despite loosing his arms and soon legs just as STAG saved him.
He would be put into intense care for a month to replace his limbs and blood lose, and once recovered he used his new limbs quickly to develop new bots around the useage of them, though he would become much more cold and distant from his Task Force. Because of this he would be under an evuation and soon was dismissed from the Task Force. Angered that he couldn't 'finish the war' he would soon enter into the PMC, or Private Military Contracting, business to get around being a 'vigilante' issue. Since then he has been drifting from contract to contract.
Personality – Singularly focused, Kras's blunt communication style divides group harmony. His tendency to dismiss feedback has kept him from advancing to a higher rank and because of this he was dismissed by his Task Force.
Friends - N/A
Enemies - N/A
Cyborg Abilities
Enhanced Limbs - With the new limbs Kras can strike harder and run faster and longer, in addition he personalized them to be able to interface with any wireless communication along with hos own bots.
Infrared Scanning - Can track the heat sources of anyone, even through walls.
Limited Cloak - Can distort the light around himself to briefly be invisiable to sensors and the untrained eye.
Grapple Hook - Can launch a wired grappling cable from his hand to help climb rough terran like buildings or cliffs.
Drones - A wide range of drones usually hover ones he controls and has with him at all times. Their purposes ranges depending on the task they are made for;
*Scouting - Very tiny drone with no self defense on it, though it can cloak when held still long enough on a solid surface.
*Attacking - A decent sized drone armed with a basic recoilless blastics firearm, struggle alone but in a swarm deadly.
*Assault - Bit bigger than Attacking, they are armed with missiles as well and are notably armed more.
*Utility - Size being between Scouting and Attacking and a personal favorite of Kras; Usually on his person the drone can scout ahead and stick to surfaces and cloak while on it, armed with a simply sonic blast to distort targets.
Balistics Nano-Weaved Armor - Despite not being part of STAG he still managed to get away with taking their armor, he modified it enough to hide the fact he stole it and to store his many drones.
Firearms - Armed with many weapons the Kobold is always loaded. He carries with in into battle at all times;

Viper Laser Rifle: Something he 'took' when him while he was leaving the tactical force, fires hard-light or 'lasers'.

MP5SD: A normal MP5 submachine gun that has a built in surpressor when he needs to get in quietly.

10th Gen Glock: A personal weapon from the force, he keeps it around as a backup weapon just in case.
Here is where, upon agreement of both partners, where Kras’s adventures will be logged. Whether good or bad, the outcomes will be logged and stored here.
OOC notes: Don't be afraid of shoot me a PM if you have any questions.
For kinks and extra info, check the player profile.