
Age: 18
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: C range
Height: 5' 5"
Normal Weight: 100 lbs

Heya~ I'm Denyce, and I--why is that monster grinning at us?
Meet Denyce Alpher. Odd name, I know, but don't most Final Fantasy protagonists have similarly interesting/exotic names? Then again, Denyce isn't exactly built to be for Final Fantasy settings... doesn't really justify her self-designation as a Blue Mage to some of the nerdier crowds running around in the world. But if one knows ZergPlayer, there are bound to be a few twists and turns to the explanations.

Denyce certainly has a thing for detached sleeves... whether it be her pictured dark grey hoodie with pink linings and inside material, or even just a short-sleeved t-shirt, the girl always has detached sleeves. She also likes thigh-high skirts with bike shorts-type underwear underneath to fit with her active lifestyle. Can't have embarrassing panties showing all the time, right? And yes, she's rarely ever without her star-decorated hairband. It was a gift from a dear friend. Speaking of her hair, she wasn't born blue-haired. It actually got to that color after one too many usages of her special skill, detailed below.

With her name, Denyce is often seen as a form of RPG heroine brought to life. Eager for adventure, a tad too trusting, and potential lover to a majority of her group of friends even when she has her heart set on one. ...Truth be told, she does have a few aspects that stand out. One: Even with lots of (off-screen) friends, she disperses her affections evenly. Two: Despite her enthusiasm, Denyce is quite the genre savvy little miss, pointing out logical flaws that lead to most RPG cliches and/or tropes and works to avert them for a better outcome. She's sort of a mix between a Mary Sue and a Fixer Sue, that said.

Now as for her powers, Denyce has a neat little ability related to Blue Mages from the Final Fantasy series of role-playing games. In fact, the similarities lead her to call herself a Blue Mage despite not actually being in a setting where the name would be particularly common. When attacked by certain techniques used by beasts and monsters, Denyce is often times capable of "Learning" the skill for her own usage. Though, depending on the technique, it might have some creative liberties when used by her. A Venomous Bite would translate to her hand sharpening like a blade to deliver a weak, but poisionous slash, for example. Luckily, stuff like Bad Breath doesn't leave the girl with halitosis, but it maaaaaay just come out the other end. If eaten by a monster... well, nothing happens. That's not how she gets her spells.

What separates her from an actual Blue Mage is another trait, a vorish trait. Basically, if eaten by another Blue Mage and not digested, whatever skills she learned transfer to her predator. Skill transfer can also occur from sexual intercourse, though this isn't guaranteed, and seems to happen more when with another girl. Of course, this means she has to re-learn those skills, but it's a nice ticket to quick power for the inexperienced, hungry Blue Mages out there. Non-vorish alternatives can be worked out in the event that the reader (meaning you) is not fond of vore. Yes, those kinds exist on Eka's Portal.

Blue is ZergAlts' favorite color, and it shows. The Paola siblings, Cailini_Gra, Telari_Correio, I need to find more colors on the spectrum.

Oh God, it's after ME! Get away!

- Bad Breath
Inflicts Poison, Blind and Silence in front of her.

- White Wind
Heals anyone other than herself equivalent to how well she's currently doing.

- War Dance
Raises the attack power of up to five targets within twenty feet of her.


- Player has a special hatred for fatal digestion. Post digestion reformation (if digestion occurs, which is rarely), in-scene or off-scene, is required.

- Player is whisper-friendly like you wouldn't believe.

- Player loves "nether" play. >///> Cunnilingus, slit-smothering, unbirthing...
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Technically the first skill she "learned".
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love