
Real Name: Destiace Cromwell

Alias: Fuck-mothering Dragoness

Gender: Female

Age: 27 Human Years

Race: Dragon

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blue

Height: 7' 8"

Bio: Destiace is a dragoness, and a daughter of Merlin.

In his younger days, Merlin was allowed to sire many dragon daughters. Destiace is but one of them.

Her affinity for magic afforded her many opportunities, and for years, she embodied what it was, to be a daughter of the most famous English wizard the world over.

She created many beautiful things. Community centers, Public art displays. She was a mover and a shaker, and the world was better off for her.

She wanted to create something self sustaining. She wouldn't be around forever.

Indeed, after witnessing her friend Davian gobbled up by her brother, she became insanely jealous! They were basically twins. Why not her?!

Like most powerful women, she began to set a plan to get what she wants.

Destiace began to enact her plan for Davion to consume her, and join her doppelganger. Making her way to the club, she was found dancing right about the time she knew he'd be there. Her plan was a raving success: She was closer than ever to her Kin