

Brandy got gurgled by Fat_Pred. She turned me into a dump and rolled a seven so it was Teaching hungry with the assist...

I'll be making a graveyard for Brandy and other girls who get perma'd on this profile so stay tuned for when the next girl shows up...

Brandy is one of those over achiever girls. Top in her class, prospects in life looking bright. All around decent and kind girl who focused on her education and future.

Which is why she can't figure out why vore gets her so hot and bothered!

The idea of all her achievements being flushed down a toilet, her future squandered... She bites her bottom lip when she see's a gut slut being gurgled and imagines it is herself.

To a lesser degree she thinks she might like to waste a life herself to add onto her meager breasts and larger behind but it isn't as much of a draw.

She also recently discovered another worrying interest when she went to a celebration event for National Honor society. A drunk white mom mistook her for some of the help and insisted it was her place to please the guests. The white mom ate Brandy and then her husband fucked her in a bathroom until Brandy fell apart. She reformed of course but the encounter left Brandy with a new kink for prejudiced people using her for their pleasure. She feels oh so guilty for enjoying it.

Reforming game

If my pred doesn't already have a reforming mechanic and I liked the session I'll play by these rules.

Roll a d20 and consult the table for if I've run out of luck or come back. Basically In my setting to curb vore destroying society no one knows how many reforms they have until they are gone for good.

At the same time putting someone away for good also gives a slightly better chance at restoring a slot.(2 rolls)

1 - Critical reforming fail! PERMA!

2 - Safe

3 - Safe

4 - Safe

5 - Safe

6 - Safe

7 - Turned into a perma slot after being turned into Teaching_Hungry's boobs for 7 minutes (I got lucky rolls! for Tempvore)

8 - Safe

9 - Safe

10 - Safe

11 - Ugh got turned into white girl waste on Player_PAWG she put me away for 2 months as her assfat!

12 - Safe

13 - Unlucky! Break a safe slot and roll again! Extra rules below

14 - Safe

15 - Safe

16 - Safe

17 - Safe

18 - Safe

19 - Safe

20 - Always safe! Critical reform and restores a slot

On a 13 the safe slot broken is chosen by a roll. If it lands on 13 again she is perma'd. If it lands on an already broken slot or 1 perma. If it lands on 20 the 20 slot is broken. If a slot has been broken by this roll then the roll to determine which slot she lands on proceeds. If that roll is once again a 13 Perma.

Tempvore game

In the event Brandy does reform she'll then be subject to a tempvore game.

Her pred gets to decide what to put into 4 slots. then a D4 is rolled to determine which one she gets.

Her roll form reforming determines the multiplier. For lower increments like seconds hours or days I'll take the max, but for longer durations it will be rolled.

The items that can be put into the slots are time increments so seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

However once a time increment is rolled it can't be used again until there aren't enough left to make a set of four. Then they are all available again.

Available time increments: seconds, hours, days, weeks, seasons(3 months)

Used time increments: minutes, months


Jayd_Quon and me had a little competition at a party. She got to swallow me first and try to hold her lunch and boy she almost had me. Down in her gut and I barely made it out by 1 on a roll! But then once it was my turn she never stood a chance against this black belly! I sloshed her skinny asian body to slurry and the little slosh slut fingered herself the entire time. She went down "digested by a darkie" to paraphrase her words in kinder terms. Then I gave her a new browner body by churning her into a muck filled dump and left her clogging a toilet. Now the skinny asian hottie is added to my big black booty, we rolled for her sentence as junk in my trunk, it could have been as short as a few hours but unlucky for her she's stuck jiggling on me for 30 weeks! Take that! See you in 2025 slosh slut! Once you get digested by black it'll be a while til you come back!

Corri_Lefeuvre came at me thinking white girls were immune to black digestion. I let her try and prove it with the promise she could churn me instead if she survived 2 hours. This basic bitch rolled a 1 out of 100 on the first dice. She was nearly permavored for her utter failure. She tried to twerk in me and my first BURP made her fall apart when my gut clenched. DO NOT MESS WITH BLACK BELLIES, THEY WILL BOIL YOU! That's the lesson she learned and will continue to learn as she twerks on my ass for 5 months~

Player_PAWG was around and I insisted last time was a total fluke! Black girls are not meant to be food for her pale padding. She agreed to go in me and test the theory... I won but... honestly it was a tie and I only barely beat her in a tie breaker... On top of that I only got a few pounds before dumping the rest of her. Still! I turned a white girl brown. She's BLACKED until christmas and stuck on my cake until then!


Brandy agreed to let a first time pred try and gurgle her. Player_PAWG put me in her belly with a lot of difficulty but she had beginners luck and managed to mulch me pretty good once I was in her. She managed to seduce and slosh me. From there I got pooped out by her pale posterior and she's kept me as fat for a few months...

This is what Brandy the black girl looked like on a white girl's body...

And this

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Required
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike I can do perma or without if I like the character and scene enough
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't need or want to play this out.
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Maybe like tempvore stuff and being trapped but a minor interest
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't have one but love it
Anal Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Don't have much to perform it with but love it
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like the finality here for perma play or in scene perma
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Love disposal in general but it can be skipped for scenes and characters I like enough
Watersports Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ehh sometimes but not often. Femboys might be a little more attractive but don't be surprised if I turn you down.
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I do however love me some herms with cocks. Vagina optional
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike My main squeeze
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I can do this too
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Case by case and probably not for most cases
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Same as furry
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Same as furry
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike This however I can really get into (pun unintended)
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike I absolutely adore rolling dice to decide what happens
Permavore Always/Love
Raceplay Always/Love