
Name: Doja
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
Species: Binturong

tl;dr: part of an endangered species. females of her race are the dominant sex, but she doesn't want to be domme. she wants to be dominated. tired of the sea of subby boys from her species; super interested in meeting males from other species, even though that's very frowned upon and she's heavily pressured to mate with another binturong.

her primary interests include: napping, eating tasty food... and being treated like a princess, though she definitely doesn't act like one.

(alt of Nukey)
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't really roleplay anymore, but Doja is pred only, but she's also supposed to be a submissive. My only interest is for her to meet an observer-type male that will feed her, be it food or people. I'm NOT interested in playing Doja as a "dom" at all. Nor am I interested in dominant-prey scenarios.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike More than vore, I'm primarily interested in stuffing. Feederism.
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike Doja does NOT respond to roughness very well. She wants to be pampered and treated well.
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike More interested in foreplay than the actual sex.
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Males yes.
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not interested in females.
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Humans are acceptable.
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I would prefer another demi-character of a species outside of binturong. Super interested in actual bears. Something large and capable of making her feel small and cute, as that's her prime desire from a partner.
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Very picky with anthro characters, but not completely opposed.
Light Stuffing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Especially when combined with hand-feeding. Feed her.
HOT GUYS Always/Love
Never/Dislike Tall guys capable of making her feel small and cute are desirable, but the male being taller is not a requirement as long as he's able to sufficiently dominate her.
Object Swallowing Always/Love
Never/Dislike I really like things like swallowing cellphones. Something she might do to be bratty if she felt like her partner wasn't giving her enough attention.
Oviposition Always/Love
Never/Dislike Lay eggs in her...
Impregnation Always/Love
Never/Dislike Breeding/impregnation are pretty kink.
Hunger Always/Love
Never/Dislike General gastro-intestinal onomatopoeia are very well-liked. hunger and digestive sounds both.
Size Difference Always/Love
Romance Always/Love
Never/Dislike Wine and dine her. Romance her.
Small Talk Always/Love
Never/Dislike Get to the point in one message. No hanging "hi" or "how are you" because I don't like small-talk.
Don't message me with random animal noises either. Talk to me like a person or don't talk to me at all.
IC Approaches Always/Love
Casual Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't enjoy settings in which vore is seen as normal and socially acceptable. The appeal of vore for me is that it's deranged, abnormal, and fucked up. Even if it's in a scene with prey that ends up willing.