Doragon Noejiki, otherwise known simply as Dora. This girl is...interesting. Born to a witch, her mother gathered two of her friends. The three witches stood above the infant on the day of her birth, and granted her two gifts, while giving her one curse. The first gift, the Gift of Impossible Strength and Endurence. She can leap mountains, punch holes through 9 Foot thick titanium, and survive a rocket ot the face. The second gift, the Gift of Repeated Life. Essentially, reformation. However, the third witch was seeking to betray her friend, and so put a curse upon the child....
The Curse of Dragon Food. This Curse set out her destiny to don armor and the title of Knight, and in doing so, would likely ensure that she would meet many a dragon. However, the curses greatest effect on her, is that when faced with a dragon enemy, her other two gifts will fail. It's possible for her ot be taken out for good by a dragon, if they don't reform her, or if someone else doesn't. Not only this, but her body, thanksto the curse, is deliciosu to all draconic beings...
Thanks to all of this, she has been given a rather unfortunate title. She is a Knight, but she is more commonly known as... "Dragon Fodder".
((WIP but ready for play))