Deep within a dark eerie forest lies the fallen kingdom of the fairies with the cruel queen bound to an elf as a familiar. Reserve a scene from the alt page before approuching if my status is pred.
Height: 5 inches Age: Unknown Weight: Don't ask or you'll add to it. Strength level- Goddess of Twlight Alt: Void_Familiars Sephoya- This Archer thought she could steal treasure from this queen, but found herself being trapped in a five inch predator's stomach to digest for days possibly months while Duskruella was in a food coma on 9/7/2024. Ember_Sachi- Caught tresspassing and shrunk to use as a sex toy while crushing and breaking her bones and spirit before reaching and orgasm and humiliated her further by swishing her around in the Queen's mouth and swallowed just to be unshrunk to digest and broken further, just to end up in the sewers of the fallen kingdom on 9/7/2024. Any_kum- Summoned as a sacrifaced for a pregnant fairy queen and was gulliable to allow herself to be eaten under the promise to be only temporary till she found a proper meal, but that was a lie and fell into a food coma on 9/9/2024. Rachael_Victor- Caught this tasty elf while on her way home with a simple spell to control vines and swallowed her head first into her hungry ravenous stomach to digest for a few weeks (In scene) only to dispose of her skull and what's left of her on 9/21/2024. Disposable_Lelith- Took a shortcut through a dark forest only to be bound tightly by vines from the fairy and was eaten orally feet first, it took an entire month to digest this fatty fox but she was disposed of like any other gutslut in 10/4/2024. Healer_Boi- Caught him tresspassing and after giving him a blowjob in the fairy's human form, mid swallowing him feet first she spit him up and made him her personal vibrator inside her womb which she shrank down to hide and returned to her fairy size on 10/3/2024. Vivi_Ukanmuriman- Tresspassed and put this queen in a sexual bliss coma which caused her to start regression instead of melting into an orgasm, so now she has to spend a entire week with her heavy belly of her princess within on 9/9/2024. (Released as a fairy on 9/16/2024.) What to expect: Tina_the_slut- Explored a bit too far away from the path and found herself being unbirthed from this fairy dropping down on her which she enjoyed it as the fairy went into an orgasmic bliss coma the umbilical cord attached to her and started to regress her on 11/10/2024. (Released as a fairy on 11/17/2024.) What to expect:
Human size fairy