Background: Edna, or Eddy (As she prefers to be called.) Was always the top of everything. Growing up, she was use to top grades with little effort, track meets; swimming. Anything competitive; she always found herself at the top of the ladder. It came naturally to her. Then, around the age of 14; like most girls in her family, Edna was slammed with puberty. It was a pretty violent time for Edna, with her always popping out of clothing already several sizes too big for standard girls of that age and it only continued for another four years. Now, Edna has finish high-school and got a taste of life away from home and her obnoxious but loving family.
Five years, five long hard years Edna has spent in the park. She's since fallen into work, training those around the park who seek it. Cardio. Strength. You name it she can do it. Of course, some of her teaching methods can be a little on the extreme side when it comes down to it. But sometimes, extreme is the only way to work off fat collected from a massive meal of another person.
How Edna ended up in the park: After a long and tough tough day of final exams followed by an all star track running. (In which Edna placed first in every category) The girl was headed home only to discover all to late she'd hopped on the wrong bus! Riding it out, Edna stepped down from the bus only to find herself in this strange park. Several seconds later, the bus she was riding on was crushed underfoot by a passing creature of massive size. Shocked but amazed at the same time. Edna set forth to learn more about these creatures deemed 'Macros'.
Recent News: Recently, Edna was getting things all set up in her new little apartment she'd rented out near the park and stumbled upon her own little sister
Mayumi stepping off the same bus stop Edna used! Of course Edna rushed to the aid of her little sister and has since taken her in and cared for her; When Edna isn't playing around with all the trinkets and goodies shes come across in the park of course.