
Found in a distant cave and kind of mysterious - okay not super mysterious as many began to visit said area and turns out to not be mysterious or even a cave, Eltillion decorated some building's insides to resemble one - so not super mysterious, more tries to avoid meeting so many saying stuff and being interrogated in interior design idea. Pretty strange yes.

Seemed so fine up until one "very boring" afternoon and dear if it'd stayed boring I'd have nothing to say but you understand it didn't, or there'd be no reason to mention it! JannaJanna and Adrien_Jan broke in, and Adrien subdued Eltilion giving his girlfriend time to consume Eltilion very eagerly. Pretty soon they began a massive sex session on a chair and during the process Eltilion got churned up, added to Janna's body and anything that didn't, got crapped out.