

General Info


Name: Emma-May

Age: 27

Species: Marshadow demi/ gijinka

Height: 3’2 Feral: 1’6

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Occupation: Bounty hunter for hire




She’s a very stoic and quiet individual, training to be among the world’s strongest fighters. Specialising in martial arts, her technique to collect souls via punches is certainly effective in her line of work, able to separate soul from body, she stores the restless spirit in her stomach and carry the body back for merging later…if wanted alive, if not then her belly may not treat those souls too lightly..

Her serious demeanour isn’t all, she does have her moments of relaxation having a nice lunch, video games…being teased by those larger for her cute appearance, once you get to know her more you’ll find that underneath the stern expression is a rather trusting little sister figure




- She is able to traverse and meld into shadows, those with trained eyes may spot her own green pair staring back at them..

- As mentioned, she can separate souls from bodies with a few punches, able to touch them and store them in her body

A Tesla_Langary production