Normally you'd start describing how she looks, her height and build and all. Here though we're going to start with how she's dressed... because damn if it isn't rather important. See, there's two critical details: the first is that she's a superheroine in a skintight costume, and the second is that said costume is literally skintight. No spandex here, it may as well be painted on. Hell, paint is probably too thick and concealing; it's little more a vague idea of apparel. Every inch of her body is on effectively full display, from her plump and jiggly tits (C-cups... and don't get spoiled by the big boobs of Shangrila now, the suit doesn't offer the slightest bit of support. Boing!) to her lush rump (she'd describe it as her "big fat ass"), though at least it doesn't show much of her cleft for some small thankful reason. As if it wasn't hard enough to look away, the whole of it is the glittery blue of an evening sky, twinkling like stars.
As if bouncing around lewdly with every step wasn't enough of a problem the suit seems to be as fragile as wet tissue paper. You're probably not going to see it intact unless she's reeeaally lucky, and even if you do you can just wait five minutes and her bare skin will probably be on display. She's either an exhibitionist or really, really dedicated to her job...
In any case... you've gotten a good idea of her general look right now. Average height, rather curvy, very bouncy. Her unintentional figure-flaunting isn't helped by the fact she's otherwise meets the look of a classic bimbo elsewhere. Her hair is (naturally!) blonde and reaches loosely down to her waist, and while the suit covers her eyes like a mask they're almost certainly a shining blue. (Hmm, wait, her hair goes through the hood? There's no signs of pubes below, she has to wax...) She's got a roundish face, kinda cute-hot in that "fuckable girl next door way", and even her lips are plump pouty pillows.
But demeaning as her suit is it's still the source of her powers. And she a superhero dammit, a genuine selfless bonafide "saves kittens from trees" heroine! So be nice when she inevitably winds up half naked and tied up, right? ... Right?
History and Stuff!
Elissa (better known as Empowered!) stumbled into the life of a super heroine by the delivery of a mysterious costume in the mail from an unknown source which has no unsettling implications whatsoever. While granting (mostly) phenomenal super-abilities, the costume is also thin as a soap bubble, tears at the slightest provocation, and doesn't work if anything's worn over it, meaning her escapades basically involve jiggling around while effectively (or literally) naked. It also doesn't help that the majority of her heroic acts usually wind up with her tied up, gagged, restrained, or otherwise in a precarious position... even if she still (somehow) succeeds in the end, if only by delaying the villain long enough for a "real" hero to show.
You'd almost think the poor girl was cursed! Damn if Empowered doesn't have a strong sense of duty and little things like abject humiliation aren't about to stop her from helping out! Besides, she's also a hot curvy blonde (baby got back) which let's be honest is probably what you're here for anyway.
Friendly, eager, and practically saintly in her good nature, Empowered is not always the quickest of wit and something of a tremendous dork despite her best efforts. Despite her bimbotastic first impression (which is not entirely undeserved), she's actually quite a bit smarter than most people suspect, including herself, and she's managed to take down several incredibly dangerous and lethal villains. Not that this keeps her from getting in trouble. Often. Sadly she underestimates herself almost as much as other people and suffers from lots of self-esteem issues that some (incredibly mean!) people take advantage of to get what they want from her.
As strongly implied elsewhere, Empowered is a superheroine with all her powers coming from her costume of decidedly mysterious origin. Unfortunately for her, most of her powers seem directly related to how intact the fragile suit is, potentially making for dramatic and sudden drops in her effectiveness. At least the suit goes out of its way to keep her safe from actual harm (even if she's not really aware of this) but almost seems to enjoy her embarrassment. But... anyway, what can Empowered actually do?
> Super strength, capable of leaping tall buildings or throwing a car! (Hopefully it's insured.)
> Nigh-invulnerability, surviving the heaviest blows unharmed! (No guarantee of keeping her footing though.)
> Crawl and even run up walls like some sort of spider person! (No trademark infringement intended.)
> Fire potent blasts of energy! (Potency not guaranteed. Also she hasn't really learned to aim.)
> Survive unharmed in the vacuum of space and the depths of hell! (... Don't ask how she found those out.)
> Drastically increased libido and multiorgasmic capability! (... Wait, why the fuck does it do that!?)
> Invisibility! (Note: Only the suit goes invisible.)
> Total regeneration! (Note: Still only the suit. Also, it takes all night.)
OOC Stuffs!
I'm looking for quality, well-written role-play of a bondagey, sexual, and vorish kind. On which side of the coin Empy falls under for those things...well it should be obvious! Depending on the situation, she can be a top or predator, but it's not likely and people shouldn't expect it. It all depends on context and the character I'm playing with though. Predators and dominants into bondage, rough domination, breathplay, and such are awesome in my book but I don't require it, y'know? It all depends on my partner and what they make fun!
A few notes: First, respect my wishes OOC. I don't care if your character has somehow has Empowered in position to do anything, if I say no, then please stop. If you don't, then I'll just stop playing. This applies to asking for play, super-persistence just drives me away so if I say some other time or if I don't want to play, don't try to force the issue please.
Second, spelling and grammar is important to me. I don't demand perfection, but I appreciate an effort. <3 I put a fair bit of effort into my RP and appreciate it when my partners do the same.
Third, Empy does not just play with other superhero types, that would be boring, so don't be afraid to message me! If you don't like supers but still want to play with Empowered, that's fine too, talk to me and we'll figure something out! I just like shy girls in kinky situations and Empowered here is adorable.
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