Name: Epson, 349th Feather of the 3rd Wing.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5'8".
Weight: "Ugh, so rude! About five hundred and twenty five pounds, I'm pretty dense."
Race: Angelic Spirit, former angel.
Mood: Despondent.
Epson has fallen to a peculiar fate, cast out of her Wing (a grouping of angels beneath the deity they served) for bringing the concept of Sin into the otherwise pristine heavenly plane that she originated from...but she was not cast into Hell or otherwise punished aside from being forced to assume a mortal form and repent through what is essentially 'community service' of an angelic nature. She has, for all intents and purposes, seemed to have fallen through the cracks of her faith's punishments to those who don't know the context of why Epson did what she did. Many years ago Epson was created beneath a deity that showered the world in Food, Kindness and Love, seeking to better the world through generous acts that improved the lot of others. When a gentle soul died, one of this goddess' angels was sent to show that person an act of great engulf their bodies and carry their soul directly to their well-deserved afterlife where they would reap the benefits of their good nature for the rest of eternity. Epson did not belong to the noble caste given the duty of bearing souls to the afterlife but instead to pass on duties to other angels, divine inspiration to mortals, and on rare occasions to deliver messages to other supernatural entities that her Divine Majesty had want to communicate with. This was a job that, on occasion, required the young angel to deal with spirits and beings that bore the black streak of Sin through their souls which is always a perilous act but one she gladly did to be of service to the being that had created her. Being such a friendly and out-going soul, she became fast friends with almost every being that she encountered and eventually became fond of all manner of people, losing the objectivity that probably would have kept her from making the tragic mistake the she did.
One day Epson was sent down to the mortal world, bearing a gift of inspiration for a mortal gaining a position of incredible political power who's heart was wavering on if he should use it to help the under-privileged people of his kingdom or to consolidate his position and that of his supporters. Luckily she arrived there in time and was able to convince him to help the down-trodden instead of support the rich and powerful but it was on the return trip that things took a turn for the worse. On her way out of the castle, she heard a weak cry for help coming from a relatively empty part of the castle. When she investigated she discovered a woman, a follower of her Divine Majesty, who was on the verge of death...but no angel had shown up to ease her into her deserved reward. Faced with the pleading woman and with no time to get one of the proper angels for the task, Epson took the woman's body into her own and promptly returned back to her Heaven to report her mission's success and ensure her new 'friend' was handed over to the proper authorities to be processed. Except the woman she had brought into Heaven was...not what she had seemed. Epson hadn't been the only entity interested in the king and the path of his kingdom, but her opposition had arrived after her, a potent succubus who realized there was little she could do to alter what was happening and settled on a loftier goal. Corrupting the heavenly domain of a good deity. The succubus possessed the body of the woman in question, pretending to be a follower and using the woman's body and soul to shield herself from Epson's belly long enough to reach the angel's destination.
Once the two had arrived, the succubus exited Epson's body and her very first step introduced Sin to the metaphysical world she had been brought to...her second introduced subtle changes to the mindsets of the Heaven's denizens, the third altered the physical forms of the angels themselves. There was no fourth, her Divine Majesty reflexively lashing out to banish the succubus back to the pit that she had come from but the damage had already been done. The souls in the realm were more taken to acts of friendly perversion with one another, the angels who had lacked definition found themselves in the possession of full womanhood and all the hormones that came with it, while the deity herself...began to darken. Before that happened though Epson was brought up before her Divine Majesty to give account for what she had done. In the end, she was found guilty of bringing sin to Heaven but the deity understood that the angel had been tricked and had only been acting out of her large heart to do what she thought was right and had been taught. A crime, but one that neither the deity or Epson's fellow angels could truly blame her for committing.
So Epson was sent into temporary exile with her new, mortal body as an angelic spirit seeking redemption among the mortals and other beings that she had become so familiar with. Until such a time that Epson's creator felt she has atoned for what she had accidentally done, she is to prove that she is good at heart. Problem is...Epson has never had a mortal body before. She's swamped with new feelings and sensations, finding herself awash in things that regular people have learned to do with moderation. Gluttony, sloth, lust...Epson's committed almost all of the traditional sins and these acts have put her a bit...behind on her community service. Luckily her creator is understanding and won't hold these indulgences against her, but at this point in time Epson is struggling to fulfill her mission even as she finds herself giving into her bodily urges and growing ever further behind on her atonement.
OOC Notes
I'm looking for quality, well-written role-play of a sexual and vorish nature. On which side of the coin Epson falls under for those two...typically as a submissive and as prey respectively. Depending on the situation, she can be a predator, but it's not likely and people shouldn't expect it. It all depends on context and the character I'm playing with though.
A few notes: First, respect my wishes OOC. I don't care if your character has somehow convinced Epson into all sorts of debauchery, if I say no, then please stop. If you don't, then I'll stop playing. This applies to asking for play, super-persistence just drives me away so if I say some other time or if I don't want to play, don't try to force the issue please. Second, I've seen some people say they like verbose role-plays and think that means just a couple lines. That's frustrating because that's not I'm thinking when I think verbose. That's not verbose, verbose is close to a paragraph long and dripping with detail so if that's not what you mean, that's cool, everyone has their own preferences...just be clear that when I say verbose, that's what I mean so we're both aware of were we stand and what we both want. Third, spelling and grammar is important to me. I don't demand perfection, but I appreciate an effort. <3 I put a fair bit of effort into my RP and appreciate it when my partners do the same.
This profile is still very much a work in progress, I'll be adding new bits and pieces as I think of them and I get to do some play!