
Mira here is, in a word, a goddess. However, she does not yet know what she is the goddess of....you see, she was only born recently. She is the daughter of the goddess of victory Exodia and as such has tremendous potential power. However, she has no idea what to do with it! She could e a goddess of love, or kindess, or healing, but then she could also be a goddess of pain, or suffering, or war. Good or evil, the choice tears at her heartstrings daily, and she never knows which side she should land on...

On the side of good and light, she does love helping people, and seeing them smile, and she will usually step in when someone is in danger or calls out for help...unless, of course, her stepping in would get int he way of someone else who might be more int he right. And this is where the side of good gets complicated for her, the turn off. She never knows if what she is doing is actually helping, is actually 'good'. For example, if she saves someone from a hungry predators gullet, only to see that predator starve to death right there, was what she did 'good' or 'evil'? SHe never knows, and this is why she just as often favors the side of dark....

Evil. She does enjoy doing things simply to entertain herself, be it causing a small catatrophe and watching the ensuing panic, or tossing a weak person near a group of hungry preds and seeing what happens. When she sides with 'evil' she is often simply siding with herself, doing what makes her chuckle inside. Sometimes doing bad can feel so good. However, then come the consequences, the results of her actions. Evil's turn off. She doesn't like to see it when people are suddenly in pain, or crying, or fearful for their lives. But then, once again, if she sees a hungry pred that is too weak to hunt, and she brings them a prey to eat, is she doing 'evil'?She never knows, and thus is her dillema...

'Good' or 'Evil'. Right or wrong. WHich is which, and why? Which side should she choose....who's to say.

((Char is a WIP but is ready for play~!))

((Just to clarify, her name is Mira))