
Fabrima is, to all outward appearances, a perfectly ordinary anthro skunk. She can be seen out and about, usually wearing casual jeans and a T-shirt, hanging around in places like hipster cafés and laughing at the bizarre outfits, taking a trip down to the market to see what stuff is on - and occasionally, manning a stall, selling her own specially handmade clothing - it seems she's good with seams!
Of course, her work is often decorated with interesting images - figures emblazoned across the front of the shirts, and so forth - some of them striking some rather strange poses! Some of them are clearly humorous, but there's the occasional one that stands out - reaching out as if trying to break free of the shirt, their expression one of pure panic...

... wait a minute, wasn't that guy hanging around at the coffee shop earlier?


I think it's fairly clear what she does to people. Those unfortunate (or fortunate, it takes all sorts) enough to wind up decorating her are in for an odd time.
Let's just say that she, or whoever she gives the shirt to, has a lot of options at their disposal.

Permavore (or long-term-temporary) is definitely an option.
If someone is absorbed into a garment, the wearer can choose to let them out temporarily without releasing them from it completely - in this case, they can drag them back in again at will, literally pulling them across the room and into it if they so choose. If they've got more than one item of clothing that has been tied to them in this way, the victim can be moved from one to another just as easily. The wearer can also choose to release them from it completely - likewise, the tie is broken if the clothes in question are destroyed, though it's best if they're not in them at the time.

Yes, friends of victims, that means you can save your trapped buddies. Generally, in the case of permavore, it's the prey's decision to go through with it, but if they're in for a temp stay then go ahead and stage a rescue!

Oh, and she's totally got a bra with pokeball patterns on the cups. You can probably guess what she does with it.

(semi)permanent dice game
For people who want to leave the duration of their stay to chance!
Every day, the captive rolls d20-n, where n is a difficulty setting to be agreed upon at the start - maybe random, maybe fixed.
When the total reaches a set goal (again, agreed upon at the start), they're free.
Other milestones can be implemented too, such as being trapped forever if the score ever drops below zero, being free from the garment but not the magical bonds that tie them to it when they get partway to the goal - let your imagination run wild!
Easy example:
Goal 50, difficulty 0. Keep rolling every day, you can only go forward. You're guaranteed to get out.
Medium example:
Goal 20, difficulty D20. You keep rolling until you get 20 more than Fabrima. Could be quick, could take a while...
Hardcore example: Goal 30, start at 10, difficulty 10, permavore at 0. Keep rolling, but she's absorbing you pretty quickly too - can you get out of her before she absorbs your spirit completely?

Current "guests":
Vicky_Rena and Shelly_Rapton - tucked inside her clothes, not trying to escape yet. Allowed out occasionally, but still bound to her so she can pull them back in at will...


Strip blackjack!
Fabrima is a gambler. A sexy gambler. Anyone who wants to try their luck is welcome to play a game of cards with her. Of course, the stakes are quite high...
First, decide what sort of game you want to play (ie how much she's wearing to begin with) and ante up (days of captivity are the standard stake - up to the difficulty level you've chosen), then draw a card (d13, 11-13 are face cards, 1 is ace). She also draws a card. If you choose not to continue, you forfeit your ante - at this point, you can choose to play again and possibly get deeper in debt, or give up and get ready to serve your sentence.
Should you wish to go ahead with the bet, the stake is yourself, while hers is an item of clothing. If you have any trapped prey (for the perma and temp-perma types) you can offer them in your place if the player agrees - one prey for each character trapped in the garment you're trying to win.
After that, it's blackjack time. If you go over 21, you're bust - coincidentally, that's where you immediately end up. Game over.
Then it's her turn. If she goes bust, or fails to beat your score, you win the stake. If she wins, however, things don't end well. Or maybe they do. Takes all sorts. You (or your surrogate stake, if applicable) are stuffed into her clothes and trapped until someone wins you from her.
If you win, then it's on to the next round, if you want to continue. Again, you ante up - but this time you have the option of using your winnings as the ante. Draw a card, offer a proper stake (ie. you) and so forth, and continue until you lose or she runs out of clothes.
At this point you can play for her - all those days she's been putting down as ante? It's time to cash in. Win this last round, and you get her for that many days. If you lose this last round, she gets her days back - you'll just have to content yourself with her erstwhile victims.
If you win or cash out, you get to keep the people who were trapped in the clothes you won. You can let them go, of course, but if you want to keep them all I ask is that you give them a chance to be won or freed. They're only up for temporary entrapment, after all...
Naturally, any and all donations are gratefully accepted.

Level 1: one-piece swimsuit.
Inside - nobody

Level 2: bikini
Bottom - none
Top - none

Level 3: fully clothed.
Shirt - none
Pants - none
Bra - Becky_Morgana


Clothing vore for vore battle:
1. Fabrima holds prey.
2. Prey stuffed into clothing. (equivalent of mouth)
3. Clothes completely wrap around prey, pulling them against her. (equivalent of throat)
4. Prey is absorbed into the clothing, requiring a 15+ to escape on the first round, 17+ on the second, and 19+ on the third. Failure to escape in this timeframe results in a loss as the prey is absorbed completely.

Former "guests":
Lyra_Lushi - she played a game of blackjack. She thought she had a good hand until Fabrima drew a king and an ace, trapping the vixsune in her swimsuit. TroyFenSkunk, her mate, pleaded for her release, and rescued her in return for a prisoner exchange.

MaraudingMarauder - Don't ask how she ate her player. Won by Vicky_Rena.

Miss_Latex - Needy_Kitty beat Fabrima in a blackjack game, and offered to let her out early if she captured someone for her. Naturally, the skunk succeeded. Not that Latex objected much after a short while.

Alt of MaraudingMarauder.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike The nearest she gets is that last moment when you're sucked into the shirt completely...
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike One thing that being turned into a shirt ISN'T is fatal.
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike No need to reform if they ain't dead. Still, she might let someone OUT during the scene.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Stuffing someone up her shirt, trapping them up against her body, transforming them into an image on the shirt, before finally yanking their essence out and freezing them in that state, their last moments captured on cloth? Hell yes, she's unconventional.
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Realistic as in "a 2-dimensional image doesn't make a bulge"...
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Transformation Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Magic Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love