
"Oh it just makes those noises when it wants some attention so pay it no mind. It's nothing but a nethemir after all." - Kazi Shallyawept, Succubus Slave-Driver
"Wretches with eyes of gloomy night and skin of cast-off shale, unwanted, unneeded, and entirely without worth." - Yefi Movich, Rabble Rouser
There are two opinions on the origin of the nethemir. One is that they were created with no other purpose but to serve as the foot-soldiers, servants and slaves to those that dwell beyond reality as we know it. The other is that they were once mortals and had their old identity scoured away after being taken from this plain of existence. Which ever maybe true, if not possibly both, there are a few colonies of free Nethemir that live a tenuous life as refugees from another realm of being entirely, most commonly in the frozen north where some have embraced the fierce untamed faith of that region in an effort to finally belong.
Feze is one of the nethemir who has abandoned the frozen mountains of the rest of her kin, including the safety they represent, to savor the freedom that she is so lucky to enjoy despite her unsettling appearance. Days in the warm sun, nights in her cell at the local cloister where she prays to her goddess before heading out the next day to keep those she watches over safe while they frolick in a free world. An experienced hydromancer, Feze plies her art to create a safe beach for others to take in and relax. Does this make her a glorified lifeguard? Yeah, but she's happy so screw the haters!