((Another one of
The_Other_People ))
Filsa Nishkola
Apparent Age
Real Age
5ft. 3inches
Draenei (if you do not know what a draenei is just simply ask or look it up on youtube) (warning: slight world of warcraft references ahead)
Chosen languages
Whatever she wants to wear
Bust size
A full DD
Long and blueish black.. no other hair on her aside from that
Odd characteristics
Well aside from the blue skin, tail, horns and hooves for feet she's perfectly normal.
Tattoos: A pair of filled in skinny wings on each shoulderblade as seen in picture.
Scars: None thankfully.
Piercings: A couple of studs in each earlobe
Gift of the Naaru - Can summon up a blue glowing glyph type symbol to be on her forehead that can heal any wound done to her or to someone else.
Filsa.. what's there to say about Filsa? She has lived a normal life, graduated school, got slightly picked on because of her underdeveloped chest.. *fast forwards* ..Okay to the present time... was the first person under the age of 21 to go on a scouting mission to a different planet, the people she was suppose to go with play a horrible prank on her.. turning off her alarm clocks and taking the navigation plans. Waking up a whole hour after launch she frantically goes to her own pod and launches herself in what she assumes is the right direction... boy was she ever wrong. Dressed in her usual attire she has herself strapped in tight to the seat of the pod. Lucky for her because the heat alarms about entering an atmosphere is going off, the straps refusing to loosen up..
What's that big red hot thing coming down from the sky?
Where will it land?
About a mile from nowhere that's where.
Stuffing everything worth saving into a black backpack and putting on a black parka jacket before pulling the hood over her head to hide her identity. With backpack on and parka jacket too she heads for the city with an unknown amount of currency on her and blowing up her pod to shred any evidence of a ufo landing she goes to the city.. buying what food she must to survive after a difficult two days of understanding food culture she now enjoys food of the normal kind. Even the diner owners not knowing her face she roams around the city.. a stranger in a strange land.
Has ventured out of her shell finally and got herself a tattoo and a job spotlighting as a lingerie model of some lingerie lines. Saved up enough money after some amount of time and now lives in a large 3 bedroom apartment with some furniture.. not much just enough to show she lives there.
Finding an ad in the paper for a model needed for a photoshoot she goes to Miss_Sharptooth's house expecting a simple photoshoot but ended up as the woman's pet... and how loyal she is to her now mistress.