Gatorclaws inhabit the Safari Adventure area of Nuka-World. They were created by Dr. McDermot for security purposes, using a combination of alligator and Jackson's chameleon genetic material, along with brain cells from a super mutant. The gatorclaw is coincidentally close in name and appearance to the deathclaw.
Identical in posture and general anatomy to a deathclaw, gatorclaws have minor external traits that reflect their alligator genetics. They have an elongated, sock-like head and no horns. Their back and tail are protected by heavy platelike scutes, lined on either side by dull spikes. Their claws are very short and more robust than their untampered counterparts. Their skin is a dull forest green, contrasting sharply with their pale greyish underbellies. They can sometimes be seen lying flat in the same manner that alligators do.
Home to DeathclawSanctuary
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | (Check out prefs on my alt hub) |
Unbirthing | Always/Love |
Never/Dislike | No. I hate it. |