How do you describe a creature like Grindylow? It's not easy, that's for certain yet many individuals have tried to classify the peculiar 'woman' only to find themselves stumped about just
what she was, never mind where she would fit into that category...assuming the researchers were ever heard from again in the first place. Is she some ancient being from the depths of the oceans? An eldritch creature come down from the stars to wreak havoc? Perhaps she's some demon summoned from the beyond at the behest of a foolish mortal summoner now rendered down to so much spunky by-product! Simple fact is that only one entity knows for certain just where Grindylow came from, and that's Grindylow herself...and she's not the most talkative sort on even the best of meetings. What can be determined about the creature has all been diligently noted by a team of extremely careful researchers who placed their search for knowledge above sating their carnal desires...well...until they were done anyway. Grindylow first appeared as a much smaller and more mischievous then threatening creature that haunted ponds and small creeks, scaring off animals and people until moving on to a new habitat when the area became known as a stomping ground for such a monster. There were never any reports of an attack but it is now theorized that this is because Grindylow was more cautious in her youth and managed to disguise several feedings as simple 'missing children' cases even though this can't be confirmed, all that can be is that she moved rapidly from place to place as she grew in size and strength until she was much closer to her present condition. It was at that point that Grindylow no longer bothered to hide her predations.
Numerous missing person cases lead back to the creature though no proof could be produced linking her to them directly, leading the papers on her to deduce she had entered a new stage of development for...whatever species Grindylow is. Not long after suspicion was laid directly at her feet, Grindylow publicly displayed her prowess when she stuffed one of two policemen sent to apprehend her down her tight, drooling maw while absorbing the second directly into the monstrous shaft that hung between her thighs. Soon after she dispatched the SWAT team sent to destroy the monster in much the same way, proving nigh impervious to their weaponry and actually rendering two of her assailants into two additional members. It was at this point in time that Grindylow seemed to enter into a stage of metamorphosis, devouring and absorbing all those that she could get her hands on (a not inconsiderable number) before going into a state of hibernation that dropped her off of public radar for the longest time. Long enough that most people forgot the creature existed in the first place, let alone the atrocities accredited to her name. The researchers brave enough to study her believe that it was at the end of this period of hibernation that Grindylow reached the final stage of her life cycle and 'bloomed' into the being that she is today.
Were it not for her immense members and sack between her legs, Grindylow could almost be mistaken for an ordinary woman at just a glance. Her four eyes and light purple skin hardly do much to distinguish her from the other entities of the park, nor does the fact that her long hair seems to be made up of mobile, rubbery flesh rather then hair. That impression doesn't last long though since it's incredibly difficult to miss the numerous blue tentacle that sprout from her back (each easily twice the girth and length of most people) that serve as her primary method of locomotion. They're also quite...grabby of people who get close to her, something Grindylow only seems partially aware of. The other, obvious difference, are the three monstrous cocks and sack between her thighs that she actually sits upon when not in motion. She's a
striking sight, to say the least, but Grindylow is utterly impervious to the fact that she's And she really is one. See, she doesn't gain any sustenance from normal food, her body is incapable of processing it for some reason; it can only survive off of live, sentient beings that are devoured...or directly absorbed into her body in one way or another. Second is that her bodily fluids are used as fast acting adhesives to bind captives or to alter her current 'lair' to something more suiting her needs (think like the Xenomorphs from Aliens with their resin), a nasty surprise for the poor unfortunates that encounter her. Last is the hypnotic power of her eyes, capable of enthralling those who look into them for too long...not that many have a choice since Grindylow has been recorded to
force people to stare into her eyes. Luckily, now that she's reached the third stage of her life...Grindylow seems to have settled down and become a far more...passive creature. She no longer seeks out meals and even seems to have an agenda beyond just adding to her own mass. ...Heaven help those she 'recruits' to help with this task though.
OOC: I'm trying something new with Grindylow and a new...kink as it is! I'm looking for verbose and grammatically capable people to help me explore things like breeding, absorption and the like with a highly unusual character that doesn't quite fit type of many other characters. Still, lemme know if you are interested! I'll probably add to this profile as I think up more stuff, but for now it's pretty complete. Since she is such an odd-ball though, I'm primarily going to wait and see who contacts me rather then fruitlessly search for those who are interested among the many others who likely aren't!