Angels come in all shapes and sizes. Some guard the heavenly host above. Some punish the sinful. Others, Like Freya, are made only for the simplest purpose of all: to protect one single soul
But that isn't to say that Freya doesn't take her job seriously. On the contrary, she loves her purpose! To bond eternally with a host, to keep them safe from harm and guide them towards the light...
...If only she knew exactly who she was guarding.
But alas, due to a poor mixup in the heavens above, Freya has no idea who she's supposed to be guarding, and she's had very little training on the matter. Her idea of 'bonding' is a bit more intimate than most angels go about it, and she's searching the Earth for anyone who she think might deserve a little nudge in the direction of 'good'
Perhaps you need a little guidance from within?
Who knew that salvation for an Angel would come from a snake? RageShadey whispered words of passion to her, about how 'protected' she'd be as a layer of pudge on him... and so, she went into him, melting away body and soul to give him a 'good luck charm' in the form of her processed skeleton. Look for her on his shelf, and feel her on his middle, but find her nowhere else ever again~